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Supervisor Resources

Supervisors play an important role at each stage of the employee lifecycle. The resources below are available to help you support your team members. For questions about the recruitment process or these resources, please reach out to the talent team at For questions about other resources, please contact Lindsay Raclaw, learning and development manager, at

Recruitment | Onboarding | Development | Separation


  • Resource page for supervisors recruiting new staff members: This webpage outlines the process for recruiting new staff members including the traditional process as well as the process for requesting a search waiver.
  • PageUp: Direct supervisors can log in using their Swarthmore credentials to view applications and resumes. 


  • Supervisor checklist: Make a copy of this checklist to prepare for your new staff member's arrival and onboarding period. Once an offer is accepted, supervisors receive this checklist as part of the provisioning email, which also includes the staff member’s new ID and immediate tasks. 
  • Department onboarding template: Departments can make a copy of this welcome template and customize it to include department-specific resources.


Performance and misconduct templates

Contact the Employee Relations Manager if you have questions about the type of information to include when using the templates below.

  • Performance vs Misconduct comparison chart: This resource compares the differences between performance and misconduct and provides examples of each.
  • Documentation process flowchart: Use this flowchart or the screen reader accessible outline to help determine which of the below templates to use to document performance or misconduct. 
  • Email template: Copy and paste this template into an email to the employee to document performance or misconduct conversations that do not warrant a written warning. The supervisor should CC the Employe Relations Manager.
  • Written Warning template: Make a copy of this template and customize it to include incident-specific information. The document should be signed and dated by both the employee and the supervisor. The supervisor should send a signed copy to the employee and the Employee Relations Manager.
  • Performance Improvement Plan template: Make a copy of this template when developing a performance improvement plan. The document should be signed and dated by both the employee and the supervisor. The supervisor should send a signed copy to the employee and the Employee Relations Manager.

Annual performance assessment information can be found on the Performance Assessment and Coaching page.


We are committed to creating a successful working environment that encourages professional growth and an open dialog between staff members and their supervisors. Separations can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, resignation or retirement. Should a member of your team need to be separated from Swarthmore College for any reason please reach out to Paula MacDonald, assistant vice president, human resources, at