- Unpaid Internships
Social Impact Summer Scholarships (SISS) support students pursuing unpaid positions with host organizations that empower them to add dimension to their undergraduate coursework while advancing the organization's mission, goals, and objectives.
Meet with a Lang Center Associate, Ariza Nanji (ananji1), or Katie Price.
- Engaged Research with a Faculty Member
The Faculty-Led Engaged Research Grant (FLER) program supports students to conduct research in the service of a Swarthmore College faculty member's Engaged Scholarship. Both students and faculty are required to complete applications for this type of funding
Meet with your faculty sponsor or Jen Magee.
- Student-Designed Projects
Pilot Project grants are designed to support individuals and groups of students who wish to link their academics with action in a small scale or short term project with its own mission, goals, and objectives.
Meet with Jen Magee.
- Chester Community Fellowship
The Chester Community Fellowship (CCF) enhances the capacity of Chester-based community organizations while providing opportunities for student learning.
Meet with Ashley Henry.
Regardless of which type of opportunity a student is applying for, advising is required. This is an important step to ensure that students have a clear understanding of requirements and expectations, are prepared for the application process, and can articulate how their proposed experience allows them to connect academics with action.
We strongly encourage students to schedule an advising session in the Fall term if they think they might apply for summer funding as advising is limited in Spring.
For an in-depth look at the summer grant process—including eligibility requirements, sample applications and answers to FAQs—please refer to The Lang Center Summer Grants Handbook.