- Requirements
Students who choose to pursue the Engaged Scholar designation are required to complete the following:
- Take PEAC 009: Introduction to Engaged Scholarship (offered every Spring)
- Complete two ESCH courses relevant to the student's chosen theme
- Fulfill a 350-hour practicum experience (check out the FAQ document below for more details)
- Submit a final portfolio, including:
- A 750 word reflective essay,
- Evidence of mastery (e.g., thesis, research paper, project website)
- Faculty endorsement
- Transcript
- Resume
- Present to a panel of faculty, staff, and community partners
Here is a checklist outlining the process and requirements.
- Recognition
Upon completion of the requirements and approval from the Lang Center, students will receive a formal recognition as Engaged Scholar in <theme>, accompanied by an official certificate from the Lang Center and a badge, stole, or other memento at graduation.
Students may cite their designation as an Engaged Scholar on their CV and in professional or academic applications.
- Resources
View our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and the Engaged Scholarship Designation Framework document to learn more about the designation.
- Contact
Interested in learning more about this new program? Email Nimesh Ghimire or schedule an appointment with him.
Engaged Scholar Designation
The Engaged Scholar designation, offered by the Lang Center, provides a structured pathway for students to investigate issues of pressing public concern. Students explore issues they are passionate about through carefully integrating available courses supplemented with community-based learning and action, leading to a designation such as Engaged Scholar in Education & Access or Engaged Scholar in Mass Incarceration..
The Engaged Scholar designation is designed to help students better make sense of their engaged scholarship experience at Swarthmore. It connects coursework, hands-on engagement, and practical experience in a meaningful way — one that is also easily packaged to share with grad schools and future employers. The designation allows students to propose a specific area of interest, which will enable students to deepen their understanding of engaged scholarship, build a foundational understanding of different topics, and support students as they participate in ethical and reciprocal community engagement.