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Connect with an ISSUE AREA EXPERT!

Not sure where to start? Lang Center Associates (LCAs) are issue-based student ambassadors and are available to advise fellow students on how to link their passions, curricular choices, and community engagement opportunities! They're a great resource when getting familiar with the Lang Center as a whole, engaged scholarship, and the Social Impact Summer Scholarship.


Connect with Lang Center Staff!

Are you familiar with the Lang Center's opportunities and want to connect directly about our specific programs? Reach out to our Lang Center staff to find out more about:

  • Ashley Henry — Chester connections and programming

  • Jen Magee — multi-year grants, faculty research grants, student projects, travel grants

  • Katie Price — community collaborative projects, Pulitzer Center partnership, unpaid internship grants, faculty advising, teaching grants, community partner advising

  • Nimesh Ghimire — social innovation, engaged scholarship
Browse our complete list of programs and opportunities


Connect about Projects!

Have a project idea? Looking for resources and support to make your project idea a reality?

  • CoLab — foster community-led collaborative action with Swarthmore College’s local and global community partners; find project templates, workshops, and staff advising support

  • Lang Opportunity Scholarship — multi-year program offers a diverse range of benefits including a grant, a designated adviser, and networking opportunities to support the development of a project that creates a needed social resource in the U.S. or abroad

  • Pilot Projects — designed to support individuals and groups of students who wish to link their academics with action in a small scale or short term project with its own mission, goals, and objectives