Chester Community Fellowship Contact
Ashley Henry
Assistant Director, Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility
Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility

Lang Center
Swarthmore College
3-5 Whittier Place
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Summer 2024 Chester Fellows with program manager Ashley Henry and Visiting Lang Center Fellow Christopher Mele.
The Chester Community Fellowship (CCF)—a signature Lang Center program funded through the Swarthmore Foundation— enhances the capacity of Chester-based community organizations while providing opportunities for student learning. Students hold internships four days a week; on the fifth day, Fellows work together on a project-in-common relevant to the City of Chester. The summer experience focuses on developing each Chester Fellow as a scholar, civic leader, and public servant.
Applications will be open January 15, 2025 - February 15, 2025.
Interested students should schedule an advising appointment with Ashley Henry to learn more and receive the application link. The final day for CCF advising will be Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
Note: The Chester Community Fellowship is not in service of Swarthmore College and does not create an employment relationship between the student and the College.
Assistant Director, Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility
Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility