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Open Room Change Process

Student and parent hang decorative sign above the student's bed in a residence hall room.

During the first two weeks of class, we will be in a housing freeze. This is to give students a chance to settle into their academic schedules and the swing of the semester. It also gives Housing the opportunity to assess available spaces based on who returned to campus and who took a last minute leave of absence. Following the housing freeze we will hold an Open Room Change Process for any sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in changing rooms for any reason. First-year students interested in a room change should speak with their RA to discuss roommate mediation.

Timeline & Important Dates

Monday, January 27th
Students with vacancies (partially filled doubles, triples, quads, etc) in their room will be contacted about pulling a friend into their space. Vacancies not filled in this manner will become available in the Open Room Change Process. Students being pulled into these vacancies will be expected to complete their moves by Monday, February 3rd at 9am.

Monday, February 3rd
Housing freeze ends; however, students who want to select a new room will need to participate in the Open Room Change Process.

Wednesday, February 5th - Sunday, February 9
The application for the Open Room Change Process will open. You can find it under Applications in your Housing Portal. If you would like to participate in the Open Room Change Process, simply complete the application by Sunday, February 9 at 11:59pm. Once your application is submitted, you are in the Open Room Change Process.

Tuesday, February 11
Students who are in the Open Room Change Process will be able to preview available rooms including current residents in rooms with vacancies and floor plans. You can take this opportunity to get in touch with potential roommates if you so desire. We will list all available rooms. Please note, there are some rooms that are not available due to facilities issues, RA placements, and emergency needs.

You will also get your room selection time, which will be available in your Housing Portal. Times will be randomly generated based on class year listed in Banner. Class of 2025 will get the first batch of times, Class of 2026 will get the second batch of times, and so on.

Thursday, February 13
Open Room Change Process will be held beginning at 9am. You will be able to select from available rooms at your selection time. If you do not see a room you like, you simply do not pick. You remain in your current assignment. There is no penalty for not picking a new room.

Friday, February 14
Keys will be ready for pick up in Key Central. Students may begin moving to their new room.

Monday, February 17 at 9am
Students who selected new rooms in the Open Room Change Process must complete their moves to their new rooms.

Frequently Asked Questions

We will continue to add to these questions as we receive new questions. Check back often for updates.

How do I get that six-person suite in NPPR? 
This space is open to seniors and juniors who can fill the suite. Unfortunately, sophomores are not eligible to live in NPPR. To see this space in the Open Room Change Process and to select this room, you must be a matched roommate group of six people. 

What types of rooms are available in the Open Room Change Process? 
There is a mix of singles, doubles, half-filled spaces, and one suite in NPPR. Most spaces are in Mary Lyon, but there are also spaces available in Dana, Hallowell, Mertz, Parrish, Pittenger, Roberts, Wharton, and Worth. If you would like to select a fully empty double, you must be roommate matched with another person. You won't see spaces you can't fill to capacity. 

What if there are no rooms that I like? 
Simply do not pick a room. You'll stay in your current room. There is no penalty if you do not select a new room.

What if I pick a room, but change my mind? 
If you pick a room in the Open Room Change Process that means you have prevented someone else from taking it. If you later decide not to move into the room, you'll be penalized with a lower lottery number in regular spring room selection. Only select a room if you are sure you want to move to it.

Ok, you say I'll be penalized with a lower lottery number in regular spring selection if I change my mind after picking a room, but what if I discover the room is smaller than I thought? Has less light? Is on the wrong side of the building? Is too far from the bathroom that matches my gender identity? My new roommate isn't nice? 
Sorry, you'll still get penalized. You are encouraged to do your homework before selecting a room. Visit the rooms you are interested in. Meet up with the potential roommate. Again, if you select the room in the Open Room Change Process, you have prevented someone else from picking it. Do not pick the room if you are not absolutely sure.

How can I learn more about the person who is living in a room I'm considering picking? 
You will be able to see their name beginning on Tuesday, February 11. Feel free to reach out to them, set up a coffee date, etc. 

Where can I see floor plans?
Floor plans will be visible in your housing portal on Tuesday, February 11. Due to the sensitive nature of floor plans, we ask that students not take screenshots or share floor plans.

What if I have a vacancy in my room, but I don't want to have a random person picking it? 
You will have the opportunity to pull in a friend before the Open Room Change Process begins. If you choose not to do so, the vacancy in your room will be available in the Open Room Change Process. We do not hide spaces from students. You are also welcome to try to find a different room in the Open Room Change Process yourself.

I know there is an empty room on my friend's floor. Why can't I see it on the list of available rooms in the Open Room Change Process?
Some rooms will not be available due to facilities issues, vacant RA rooms, rooms being held for emergency situations, etc. Additionally, you will only see rooms that are class appropriate for you. If you are a sophomore you will not see any rooms in NPPR. Moreover, Parrish East and West as well as Kyle and 3rd floor of Dana are gendered housing locations. If your gender identity does not match the gender designation of those communities, you won't see those spaces.

I am a trans man, but my sex in Banner does not match that. I want to live on the all-men's floor of Parrish. Can I? What about other similar scenarios? 
Yes, you absolutely can. Our gendered communities are based on gender identity, but sadly our housing software is based on sex. Please contact Director of Residential Communities Amanda Atkinson at for details on how to make this work for you.

What if I am busy during my selection time? 
A member of the residential communities staff can serve as your proxy at your designated time. Please email by Wednesday, February 12 at 3pm to request a proxy. Include a full list of rooms you'd like us to try to get for you. If none of the rooms you list are available at the time of your selection, we will not select for you. We cannot accept proxy requests after 3pm on Wednesday, September 25.

What if I am not able to move during the designated weekend of February 14-16? 
You must move during the designated weekend. If you are not able to complete your move in that time, you will receive a lower lottery number in regular spring selection. If you know you won't be able to move during the weekend, either do not select a new room or work with a friend or friends to get your items to your new space on time.

I currently have a room that meets my approved accommodations. Will Housing work with me in the Open Room Change Process to get another room that meets my approved accommodations? 
No. If you already have a room that meets your approved accommodations (or you turned down an offer of a room that meets your accommodations), you are all set. If you decide to participate in the Open Room Change Process and pick a room that does not meet your needs, you are choosing to forgo your accommodations.

I've read all these questions, but mine wasn't answered. Where can I ask it? 
If, after thoroughly reviewing this site, you still have questions, contact