Resident Assistants

RAs create community, both in their halls and across campus, and work to build the thriving "hall culture" that characterizes residential life at Swarthmore. They serve as advisers and facilitators, activities coordinators and cheerleaders, diplomats and confidantes. RAs also play a crucial role in maintaining the health, safety, and welfare of their communities, and serve as liaisons to college administration.
RA Name | Residential Community | Email ( | |
| Colin Delaney | Alice Paul | cdelane1 |
| Olivia Scarozza | Alice Paul | oscaroz1 |
| Brandon Archer | Alice Paul | barcher1 |
| Kenneth Relovsky | Dana | krelovs1 |
![]() | Jade Buan | Dana | jbuan1 |
| Eli Dellinger | Dana | edellin1 |
| Katelyn Becker | Danawell | kbecker2 |
| Tenzin Bawa | Danawell | tbawa1 |
| Alejandro Sanchez | David Kemp | asanche4 |
| Tate Garcia | David Kemp | tgarcia1 |
| Zamir Ticknor | David Kemp | ztickno1 |
| Madison Vagner | Hallowell | mvagner1 |
| Sumama Chhotani | Hallowell | schhota1 |
| Lina Verghese | Hallowell | lverghe1 |
| Katleo Pule | Mary Lyon | kpule1 |
| Nathanael Brown | Mary Lyon | nbrown4 |
| Jing Jing Gopinath | Mary Lyon | tgopina1 |
| Pradip Sharma Poudel | Mary Lyon | psharma1 |
| Madeleine Wang | Mertz | mwang5 |
| Zaid Ali | Mertz | zali1 |
| Steven Mukum Tembele | Mertz | hmukumt1 |
| Alli Zitelli | Mertz | azitell1 |
| Nina Sablan | Mertz | nsablan1 |
| Chung Sze Kwok | Mertz | ckwok1 |
| Katherin Kerman | Palmer | kkerman1 |
| Sam Tampubolon | Parrish | ftampub1 |
| Zayd Vlach | Parrish | zvlach1 |
| Ara-Oluwa | Parrish | ajacob1 |
| Ragad Ahmad | Parrish | rahmad2 |
| Liam Worden | Parrish | lworden1 |
| Corinne Lafont | Pittenger | clafont1 |
| Aashish Panta | Pittenger | apanta1 |
| Yasharbek Sabitov | PPR Apartments | ysabito1 |
| Deanna Sinclair | PPR Apartments | dsincla1 |
| Bayarjavkhlan Bayanmunkh | PPR Apartments | bbayanm1 |
| Alyssa Hayashi | PPR Apartments | ahayash1 |
| Soph Hitchingham | Roberts | shitchi1 |
| Killin Tang | Wharton | ktang1 |
| Emma Gabriel | Wharton | egabrie1 |
| Prince Tardeh | Wharton | ptardeh1 |
| Lily Brown | Wharton | lbrown5 |
| Noam AuYeung | Wharton | nauyeun1 |
| Emma Solorzano | Wharton | esolorz1 |
| Seth Jeter | Wharton | sjeter1 |
| Brandon Xu | Wharton | bxu1 |
| Jordana Sampson | Willets | jsampso1 |
| Elizabeth Bugayev | Willets | ebugaye1 |
| Grace "Ray" McMiller | Willets | gmcmill1 |
| Marissa De Mola | Willets | mdemola1 |
| Mathews Agani | Willets | magani1 |
| Pedro Cruz | Willets | pcruz1 |
| Abby Snowden | Willets | asnowde1 |
| Jone Bagdanskyte | Woolman/Kyle | jbagdan1 |
| Maryam Abdulhussein | Worth | mabdulh1 |
| Kayla Nicholas | Worth | knichol1 |
| Aaron Shinbrot | Worth | ashinbr1 |