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Resident Assistants

Phinny pictured

RAs create community, both in their halls and across campus, and work to build the thriving "hall culture" that characterizes residential life at Swarthmore. They serve as advisers and facilitators, activities coordinators and cheerleaders, diplomats and confidantes.  RAs also play a crucial role in maintaining the health, safety, and welfare of their communities, and serve as liaisons to college administration.

2024-2025 Resident Assistants
 RA NameResidential CommunityEmail (


Colin DelaneyAlice Paulcdelane1


Olivia ScarozzaAlice Pauloscaroz1


Brandon Archer Alice Paulbarcher1


Kenneth RelovskyDanakrelovs1


Jade BuanDana jbuan1


Eli DellingerDanaedellin1


Katelyn Becker Danawellkbecker2


Tenzin Bawa Danawelltbawa1


Alejandro SanchezDavid Kempasanche4


Tate Garcia David Kemptgarcia1


Zamir Ticknor David Kempztickno1


Madison VagnerHallowellmvagner1


Sumama ChhotaniHallowellschhota1


Lina Verghese Hallowelllverghe1


Katleo PuleMary Lyonkpule1


Nathanael BrownMary Lyonnbrown4


Jing Jing GopinathMary Lyontgopina1


Pradip Sharma PoudelMary Lyonpsharma1


Madeleine Wang Mertzmwang5


Zaid AliMertzzali1


Steven Mukum TembeleMertzhmukumt1


Alli ZitelliMertzazitell1


Nina SablanMertznsablan1


Chung Sze KwokMertzckwok1


Katherin KermanPalmerkkerman1


Sam TampubolonParrishftampub1


Zayd VlachParrishzvlach1


Ara-Oluwa Parrishajacob1


Ragad AhmadParrishrahmad2


Liam WordenParrishlworden1


Corinne Lafont Pittengerclafont1


Aashish PantaPittengerapanta1


Yasharbek SabitovPPR Apartmentsysabito1


Deanna SinclairPPR Apartmentsdsincla1


Bayarjavkhlan Bayanmunkh PPR Apartmentsbbayanm1


Alyssa HayashiPPR Apartmentsahayash1


 Soph HitchinghamRobertsshitchi1


Killin TangWhartonktang1


Emma GabrielWhartonegabrie1


Prince Tardeh Whartonptardeh1


Lily Brown Whartonlbrown5
Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 6.01.43 PM.png


Noam AuYeungWhartonnauyeun1


Emma SolorzanoWharton esolorz1


Seth Jeter Whartonsjeter1


Brandon XuWhartonbxu1


Jordana SampsonWilletsjsampso1


Elizabeth BugayevWilletsebugaye1


Grace "Ray" McMiller Willetsgmcmill1


Marissa De MolaWilletsmdemola1


Mathews AganiWilletsmagani1 


Pedro CruzWilletspcruz1


Abby Snowden Willetsasnowde1


Jone BagdanskyteWoolman/Kylejbagdan1


Maryam AbdulhusseinWorthmabdulh1


Kayla Nicholas Worthknichol1


Aaron ShinbrotWorthashinbr1