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Frequently Asked Questions: Housing Accommodations

Please read through some below frequently asked questions about Disability Housing Accommodations and Fall 2025 Housing Selection

Q) How do I know if I am selecting in ‘pre-selection’ or ‘Class Year Housing Lottery Selection’?

A) On Friday, March 28th or Saturday, March 29th, all students who have received approval for Housing Accommodations received an email with next steps.   Please check your inbox for an email from Rachel Head (rhead1), Associate Dean and Director of Student Engagement.  If you have a pending accommodation, we are in current communication with SDS and will be back in contact as soon as the request is reviewed.

Q) I am a rising senior who participated in pre-selection last year. Why am I participating in the Housing Lottery this year?

A) Housing selection looks different for each individual class year.  Seniors have more options than juniors; juniors have more options than sophomores; sophomores have more options than first-year students.    As such, if you participated in pre-selection junior year, it is very possible you will participate in Housing Lottery selection as seniors. If you were placed into pre-selection, it is because, based on the past few years of data, your accommodation would not likely be able to be met through the Housing Lottery process.  

For example, if you are a member of the Class of 2028 who has been approved for a single with air conditioning, you will participate in pre-selection because, generally, air-conditioned singles are NOT open to sophomores.

Another example: if you are a member of the Class of 2026 who has been approved for a single with air conditioning, you will select during Housing Lottery Selection because we have more air conditioned singles available than the number of people selecting in that process.

Q) Am I guaranteed to be able to select into a room that meets my needs?

Yes, students with approved Housing Accommodations will be offered rooms that meet their approved accommodations. We are not always able to meet preferences related to other room characteristics. If, in the very unlikely event, your selection time does not offer any room that meets your approved needs, the Housing Office will work with you to ensure you are placed in a room.

Q) I was assigned to Housing Lottery Selection but I want to participate in pre-selection. What can I do?

If you were placed in the Class Year Housing Lottery you should select in that process.  That ensures you have the most options available to meet your needs. We have carefully reviewed the # of available rooms for each class and we can meet needs through that process.   If you would like to better understand the #s of rooms available please stop by open office hours in the OSE

Q) If I am participating in pre-selection will I have access to every available room on campus?

No, not all rooms are available in pre-selection. You will be offered a representative sample of rooms that correspond to the type of housing your class year is eligible for.   For example, rising sophomores who qualify for a single will be offered singles in sophomore locations, and not senior locations.   All 1600 beds are not offered in pre-selection.

Q) How come certain rooms are not available in pre-selection and/or Housing Lottery selection?

We use data from previous year housing selection to identify a representative sample of rooms for pre-selection. The #s of rooms offered are proportionate to the # of spaces needed in pre-selection.  We do not offer all 1600 beds in order to preserve the class-year based housing process at Swarthmore. 

Q) Can I pre-select into Crum Ledge?

No, Crum Ledge is not available for pre-selection for the 2025-2026 academic year.  A limited # of rooms in PPR Apartments will be available in pre-selection.

Q) Can I block during pre-selections or room with a friend?

During the pre-selection process, you may select a double with a friend/roommate.  Other rooms are not available as ‘blocks’ within the pre-selection process.

Q) Can I decline participating in pre-selection?

You can decline to participate but we would encourage you to look at the Housing Amenity sheet to look at all available options.

Q) I am studying abroad or taking a leave of absence for the Fall 2025. What should I do?

If you are not planning to be a resident for the Fall 2025 semester just email rhead1 so we can make a note to hold your accommodations for the next semester you are in residence.   If you are taking a leave of absence make sure that you have reviewed this website and communicated this to the College.

Q) I have questions. Who can I speak with?

Please feel free to email rhead1 or stop by open OSE office hours:

Monday, March 31st from 2:30-4:30pm

Tuesday, April 1st from 1pm-3pm