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Resident Assistant Selection

Applications for the Fall 2025-Spring 2026  academic year are now being accepted!

All interested students should apply for the RA position using JobX

Please read through the entire RA selection website for all sorts of important information.


Questions and Contacts

For specific questions about the selection process, please reach out to or

Requirements to Serve as an RA
  • Candidates must have a class standing of sophomore, junior, or senior for the next academic year.
  • To be considered for employment and to serve in any type of Residential Peer Leader role, which includes the RA position, students must be in and remain in good standing throughout their employment. A student is not in good standing when the student has been found responsible for a student conduct policy violation and as a result is serving a sanction of probation, suspension, or expulsion. In addition, students are not in good standing if they are on academic probation. Please consult with the Student Handbook for more information about policies related to academics and student conduct
  • Resident Assistants at Swarthmore College are members of a union and are represented by OPEIU 153
Information Sessions

Any student who is interested in the RA position is suggested to attend one of the four informational sessions, in which candidates can learn more about the RA position and ask specific questions regarding the process. ​​​RA Info Sessions time and locations are listed below.


The annual stipend amount for Resident Assistants will be based on the total gross amount of the following:

• 100% of Student Housing Charge; and
• 20% of Student Food Charge

Disbursement of the net amount of the stipends (less applicable taxes) will be made in accordance with payroll procedures for Resident Assistants.

Additionally, at the end of the Resident Assistant’s third and subsequent semesters of employment in the position (Spring and/or Fall), Resident Assistants will receive an additional $250.00 per semester (less applicable taxes). This amount is not added to their base pay. Semesters completed prior to the effective date of this contract will count towards seniority but payment will not be retroactive.

Please note that the compensation received for work as a Resident Assistant is considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

This compensation includes spring training, fall training, orientation week, winter break training and on-going in-service opportunities. The stipend will be disbursed 4 times each semester in even quarters.

How to Apply

Candidates will need to complete the following steps to successfully apply for the position:

  1. The RA Application utilizes JobX. Please note that if you are on a leave of absence or abroad for Spring 2025 but will be an enrolled sophomore, junior, or senior in Fall 2025, you are eligible to apply.
  2. To be able to submit your RA Application, you will need to upload all required documents in the application. The application requires each candidate to upload a recent copy of their resume. Please utilize the Career Center for assistance with developing your resume. Candidates can email for resume reviews and interview preparation. You may wish to schedule a mock interview with a career counselor in Handshake.
  3. New RA Candidates: Identify one person that can complete an RA Recommendation for you. We strongly encourage your recommendation be from a previous supervisor, mentor, or coach who can speak to your leadership potential, teamwork skills, and community building abilities. The RA Recommendation form can be found here. Please share it with your recommender.
  4. Candidates who are selected to be RAs will be notified March 15. Candidates who are offered the RA position will learn of their general community placement in their offer letter. Individual floor placements will be determined over the summer.
Application Materials and Links
  • RA Application via JobX Student Employment Portal (search for Resident Assistant job position)
  • RA interviews will be scheduled the weekend of Feb 28th-March 2nd. If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted with details on scheduling.
  • JobX Instructions
  • RA Recommendation Form (due before an offer can be made)
Important Dates for RAs

The following are tentative dates and times of required trainings that candidates selected as RAs must attend. If you cannot fully attend these trainings, you cannot serve as an RA, as they are a requirement of the position. These dates and times are based off of last year's required trainings. These dates and times will be finalized at a later time and will be communicated in a timely fashion to all candidates who are offered positions. We ask that you do not finalize travel plans until you receive confirmed dates of trainings, specifically Fall RA Training:

Fall RA Training:
Tentatively scheduled August 19, 2025 (move-in on August 18) - August 25, 2025. The Office of Student Engagement reserves the ability to modify Fall RA Training dates and all RAs will be provided confirmed training dates upon position offer. 

Fall Closing:
December: Residence Halls Close for Fall Semester - RAs should plan to depart from campus the day after residence halls close by 2:00pm. Your supervisor would have to approve any earlier departures, so do not plan your travel until you've spoken with your supervisor.

Winter RA Training:
January 2026 Exact dates to be determined at a later date. If hired, your supervisor will have to approve any arrivals after this time.

Selection Timeline
  • ​​​RA Info Sessions
  • RA Application Due: Friday, February 14th, 11:59pm EST
  • Candidate names submitted to Office of Student Conduct for review: February 21st
  • Individual Interviews: Friday Feb 28th- Sunday March 2nd
  • RA Hire Decisions Sent:  Friday March 15th
  • Offer Acceptance Due: Friday March 21st