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Residence Hall Amenities

* New for '24-'25
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ResidenceTypeACCapacityRoom Entry MethodRoom TypesWashers & DryersKitchenElevatorIndividual Room FlooringAll Gender BathroomsBathroom Types
All ClassesYes79One CardSingle, Double, Triple3/3FullYesTile1st, 3rd FloorCommunal

Crum Ledge

(opening Fall 2025)

SeniorsYes48One CardSingle, DoubleIn unitFullNoTileAll FloorsSingle User
3rd floor is woman-identifying
All ClassesNo92KeySingle, Double3/3FullYesCarpet2nd FloorCommunal
First Year OnlyYes71KeyDouble3/3FullYesTile2nd, 4th FloorCommunal
All ClassesYes79KeySingle, Double, Triple3/3PartialYesTile1st, 3rd FloorCommunal
All ClassesNo90KeySingle, Double3/3FullYesCarpet2nd FloorCommunal
Kyle House
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsYes*9One Card*Single, Double1/1FullNoWoodWomen OnlySingle User
LodgesSophomores, Juniors, SeniorsNo10One CardTwo-story quint3/3 (in Worth)NoneNoWood2nd FloorSingle User, In-Suite
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsNo111One CardSingle, Double, Triple4/4FullNoTileAll FloorsSingle User Suite-Style, Single User Communal
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsYes132One CardSingle, Double7/7FullYesTileAll FloorsCommunal
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsNo25One CardSingle, Double2/2FullNoTileAll Floors1 Private, Communal
East is woman-identifying; West is man-identifying
North is mixed.
All Classes Yes139One CardSingle, Double, Triple10/10*Full


Note: Parrish North does not have elevator access.

TileParrish NorthCommunal
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsNo49One CardSingle, Double, Quint2/2FullNoTileAll FloorsCommunal
SeniorsYes125One Card5-11 Person Apartments4/4Full - in apartmentYesTileAll FloorsSuite Style
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsNo43One CardSingle, Double, Triple2/2FullNoTileAll FloorsSuite Style
All ClassesNo218One Card*Single, Double, Quad7/7FullNoTile2nd FloorCommunal
First Year OnlyNo221KeySingle, Double6/7FullYesTileLL & 2nd FloorCommunal
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsYes*20



Single, Double2/2FullNoWoodAll FloorsSuite Style
Sophomores, Juniors, SeniorsNo73KeySingle, Double3/3FullNoVinyl, CarpetAll FloorsSingle User
Partial Kitchen
Contains a table, fridge, microwave, and stove
Full Kitchen
Contains a table, fridge, microwave, stove, and oven
All Gender Bathroom
Can be used by anyone, regardless of gender
Gendered Bathroom
A person of a specified gender may use this bathroom, marked by women and men
Communal Bathroom
Multiple sinks, showers, and toilets separated by stalls
Single User Bathroom
One enclosed sink, shower, and toilet with a locked door connected to the hallway
Single User Suite-Style Bathroom
One enclosed sink, shower, and toilet with a locked door for private use for a specific group of residence hall rooms