Review for Math 015 & Math 025

It is often helpful to review math topics before taking Math 015 and/or Math 025. Both of these courses require students to have knowledge of algebra and pre-calculus topics, and Math 025 requires students to have knowledge of topics covered in a first semester calculus course. It is especially important to review if you scored low on the Readiness Exam, if you scored borderline on the Calculus Placement Exam, or if you haven't taken a math class for an extended period of time.
Algebra/Pre-Calculus Review
If you are planning to take Math 015 or Math 025, then it is important to have an understanding of algebra and pre-calculus concepts. The review pages below outline many of the algebra and pre-calculus topics used in calculus. They were designed so that students can refresh their math knowledge and be better prepared for taking calculus.
Algebra and pre-calculus review
Solutions to Algebra and pre-calculus review
If you have reviewed this packet, additional exercises to review these concepts are available. Please complete this form to receive access to the additional online review materials.
Calculus I Review
If you are planning to take Math 025 then you will need to have knowledge of derivatives and basic integral rules that were covered in first semester calculus. The pages below offer a review of these topics.
If you have reviewed this packet, additional exercises to review these concepts are available. Please complete this form to receive access to the additional online review materials.
If you have any questions about review topics, please contact the Academic Support Coordinator, Laura Dandridge