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Math and Stat Clinics

students in math class

What are clinic study sessions and when/where do they meet?

  • Drop-in study sessions run by friendly, knowledgeable peer tutors.
  • A great way to get help with your math/stat coursework.
  • A chance to meet and work collaboratively with your classmates.
  • A casual environment for studying and discussing math and statistics.
  • Please see the schedules below to determine which clinic sessions are best for your course(s):

One-on-one Clinics

  • Book an appointment at most one week in advance and a minimum of 3 hours in advance. 
  • Before you book an appointment, check the clinic schedule below to make sure the clinician that night can support the math or stat course in which you are enrolled.  (None of our clinicians are capable of supporting every math/stat course). 
  • Appointments are 25 minutes long.  Each individual may request at most one appointment per math or stat course per week.  (i.e., If you are enrolled in two courses, you may book two appointments per week.) 
  • Although appointments are made by one individual, small study groups are welcome (no more than 4 students please). 
  • Appointments are usually held in SC 142.  However, you may request a zoom appointment when booking if you are not able to attend in person.  In this case, the clinician will email you a zoom link. 
  • There are no drop-in appointments.  If no appointments are scheduled at a given time, the clinician will help out at the Math or Stat clinic instead. 
  • If your plans change, please cancel your appointment through google calendar so that other students may have the opportunity to sign up.  
Mon7-10 pmSC 142B or zoomMavis Gao

Math 3, 25, 27, 34, 39, 43, 44

Stat 11, 21, 51

Tues7-10 pmSC 142B or zoomCaroline Yao

Math 3, 25, 27, 34, 39, 43, 67

Stat 11, 51

Wed7-10 pmSC 142B or zoomAbe Porschet

Math 3, 25, 27, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 67, 101

Stat 11, 21, 51

Thurs7-10 pmSC 142B or zoomXinxin Li

Math 3, 25, 27, 34, 39, 43, 44, 67

Stat 11, 21, 51

General Math Clinic Schedule 

Sun7-10 pmSCI 145Francesca Cantor3, 25, 27, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 67
Mon7-10 pmSCI 145Philip Yang3, 25, 27, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 67, 101, 105
Tues7-10 pmSCI 145Paulina Trifonova3, 25, 27, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 67, 51
Wed7-10 pmSCI 145Thomas Chen3, 25, 27, 34, 35, 43, 44, 67, 51
Thurs7-10 pmSCI 145Hillary Kim3, 25, 27, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 67, 51

Stat Clinic Schedule

Sunday7-10 pmSC 158Kathleen ShifferStat 11, 21, 51
Monday7-10 pmSC 158Abdullah AliStat 11, 21, 51
Tuesday7-10 pmSC 158Ernesto GarzaStat 11, 21
Wednesday7-10 pmSC 158Madeleine WangStat 11, 21, 51
Thursday7-10 pmSC 158Sumin ByunStat 11, 21, 51

Multivariable Calculus Clinic Schedule

Wednesday7-10 pmSC 104Sunny ShiMath 34, 35

Differential Equations Clinic Schedule

Monday7-10 pmSC 104Ben AaronMath 43, 44

Who can use clinics?

  • Anyone currently enrolled in a math or stat course can go to the general clinics.  Course-specific clinics are intended for students enrolled in that particular course.  
  • Individuals and groups are all welcome, so encourage your classmates to attend with you.

How do I effectively use Clinics?

  • You may attend clinic any time while it is in session. When you enter the classroom, simply sign in, have a seat and the clinician will assist you as soon as they are available.
  • To make the most of your time at clinic, first try problems on your own and bring any questions you may have to ask the clinician.
  • Bring your class notes and text book as these are helpful references for both you and the clinician.
  • Reread your class notes.  If there was something during lecture that you did not understand, ask about it.
  • Do not expect to be able to start and finish your homework assignments during a single clinic as this may not always or often be possible.
  • Do not expect to get individual attention the entire time you are at a clinic, other students may also have questions for the clinician.
  • Bring coursework you can do while the clinician is assisting other students.
  • The clinicians are here to help you succeed, not to do your coursework for you. They will not do problems for you or just give you answers.
  • Attend clinic with classmates so that you can share ideas and work together.