Student Resources

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is pleased to support our students in a variety of ways. Besides academic support, we have:
- Math and/or Stat Grad School and GRE: Information about attending graduate school in mathematics, statistics, or an associated area. Information is also provided for the Mathematics GRE subject test, which can be very important for getting into the graduate program of your choice.
- Swarthmore Puzzle Collective: Weekly puzzle solving and preparation for the Putnam Mathematical Competition.
- B2iMs, or, Black and Brown in Math/Stat is a Math/Stat department-sponsored club, organized to provide and encourage further black and brown representation in the Math/Stat Department
- Gender Minorities in Mathematics and Statistics (GeMs): GeMs is a student club (and also a registered Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) student chapter) focused on creating a welcoming space for people of gender-marginalized identities in the department.
- Work for the Department: Job opportunities in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Attending Conferences: Learn how to apply for funding for travel, registration, and food.
- Summer Research: Information about summer research opportunities in mathematics or statistics.