2011-2012 Colloquia Schedule
The Swarthmore College Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites you to join us on Tuesdays for colloquia. Unless otherwise specified, colloquia will be held at:
- Place: Science Center 199
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 4:30–5:30 (refreshments served at 4:15)
A detailed schedule for the current year follows. Click on the talk title for an abstract. Click here for a printable schedule for the current year.
September 27
Peter Lu
Department of Physics
Harvard University
Title: Modern Math in Medieval Islamic Architecture
October 4
Joan Licata
School of Mathematics
Institute of Advanced Study
Title: Thin Triangles, Big Discs, and the Curve Complex: An Introduction to Hyperbolic Spaces
October 18
Nicholas Scoville
Department of Mathematics
Ursinus College
Title: Graph Isomorphisms in Discrete Morse Theory
October 25
Aaron Hoffman '98
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Olin College of Engineering
Title: Phase planes, traveling waves and delay equations
November 2 and 3
Steven Stigler
Department of Statistics
University of Chicago
Nov 2: Darwin, Galton, and Pearson: The rule of three and the beginning of multivariate analysis
Nov 3: Skill or luck? Golf and Nobel Prizes
November 8
Kevin Ross
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Swarthmore College
Title: Advanced binomial calculus
November 15
Alan Baker
Department of Philosophy
Swarthmore College
Title: Natural numbers?
November 29
Peter Wilf
Department of Geosciences
Pennsylvania State University
Title: Plant and Insect Response to Rapid Environmental Change: Insights from Fossils (and some light statistics)
February 14
Keith Wilson '04
Professional poker player
Title: An introduction to mathematical poker
March 13
Eric Golus, FSA, MAAA
Second Vice President and Actuary
Gen Re Life Corporation
Title: Who wants to be an actuary?
April 17
Hormuzd Katki
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health
Title: The Joys of Being a Statistician and Cancer Researcher
Dan Fox
Director of Baseball Systems Development
Pittsburgh Pirates
Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
author of The Theory That Would Not Die [a "biography" of Bayes' Rule]