Attending Conferences

David Yang ’24 and Philip Yang ’25 representing their summer research project "Circle Packings from Tilings of the Plane" at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Many students attend conferences, both to enjoy the mathematics and statistics discussed there and to present their own research. For instance, the EPaDel section of the MAA (the section of the Mathematical Association of America that serves Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware) holds meetings on a Saturday every fall and spring semester. These are often close by and feature talks aimed at undergraduates.
For these and other academic conferences, there are several sources of support:
The Provost's Office accepts applications for travel funds to participate in conferences and other academic opportunities. Support for conference travel is normally limited to students who will be presenting their own work at a conference within the United States. Applications should be submitted no later than four weeks prior to the date when the opportunity begins. For more information and the application, see
The Student Affairs Division has a limited amount of funding which is used to defray the student's travel expense to attend professional conferences within the United States. For more information and how to apply, see
Students can also apply to the department for funding up to $300 to help pay for registration, travel, and food. Email requests to and include the name of the conference, its location, a tentative budget, and a brief description of how attending this conference will contribute to the student's mathematical and/or statistical intellectual growth. Preference will be given to students who are presenting a talk or a poster at the conference.