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Trisha Razdan '25

Trisha Razdan '25

First math class at Swarthmore:  Math027: Linear Algebra

What was your favorite math class and why? Math044: Differential Equations because I have found many applications of differential equations in later math classes, and Professor Viator's passion for the topic was very infectious.

Why did you become a math major?
Every professor I have had has been so encouraging and supportive, and I've enjoyed the classes I've taken in the department. 

How do you expect to use your mathematics after leaving Swarthmore?
Hopefully, my future career will utilize math, but if not, I hope to take the problem-solving aspect with me into whatever field I pursue. I think math also teaches you a sort of "fearlessness" when taking on a challenge, and I think this mindset can help you get past any hurdle.

What advice do you have for an incoming student?
Take advantage of the ability to take courses in all sorts of disciplines - you never know what you may end up liking!