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Justin Gonzalez '25

Justin Gonzalez

First math class at Swarthmore:  My first math class was Math 15 with Professor Gomez.

What was your favorite math class and why?  That’s a hard one, but I would have to go with Math 33 with Professor Goldwyn. At that time, I was still playing with the idea of adding a math major, but what really sold me on it was how the math we were learning in Math 33 popped up in my engineering classes. It was also cool to see the reasoning behind needing the math techniques from Math 33.

Why did you become a math major?   I always loved math, and I initially took math classes for my engineering major. However, the thought of having a semester without a math class made me quite sad, so I decided to add the math major.

How do you expect to use your mathematics after leaving Swarthmore?   As of right now, I plan on pursuing my PhD in mechanical engineering, and so I will definitely be using my math skills for that!  

What advice do you have for an incoming student?  The math department is an amazing department for how many resources they have for students. Don’t be afraid to use those resources like the 1:1’s, Pi-rate sessions, or office hours. Everyone wants to see you succeed. 

Anything you would like to share?   The professors in the math department really do show their enthusiasm for math. It’s such a great feeling knowing that the people teaching you enjoy the topic but also care about you as a person.