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Dr. Donna Llewellyn '80

Dr. Donna Llewellyn

Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Georgia Institute of Technology

"The short version of my life after Swarthmore is a MS in Operations Research from Stanford, a PhD in OR from Cornell, a postdoc in Bonn funded by the NSF, a faculty position in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech followed by an administrative post as associate chair and now the director of the campus teaching and learning center.

"Being a math major meant that I was clueless in my first year of graduate school in engineering, that I still think much more like a mathematician than an engineer (how pretty a solution is remains important to me...), but most importantly the education in logical thinking has proven invaluable in every facet of my life. Swarthmore ruined all other higher education for me - no research university comes close (in my opinion) to actually educating their undergraduate students in how to think, how to learn, and how to communicate.

And from the CETL website:

Donna's current interests center around education issues in general, and on increasing the participation of women and minorities in engineering and science in particular. She is the past Chair of the Women in Engineering Division of the American Society of Engineering Education, the past President of the Women in OR/MS Forum of INFORMS, and past director-at-large of INFORMS. She is the general chair of the INFORMS 2003 National Conference.