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Academic Program

Math courses

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a wide variety of courses, from courses that introduce students to the discipline (such as Stat 01: Statistical Thinking, Math 03: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, Stat 011: Statistical Methods, and Math 015: Single Variable Calculus) to seminars that cover advanced material in a student-centered setting (such as Math 101: Real Analysis, Math 107: Modern Algebra, Math 111: Mathematical Statistics, and Math 104: Topology).

While some students take Math & Stat courses to fulfill their distribution requirement and others to support their learning in associated disciplines, many students became majors and minors with the department.  For further information, please refer to Major/Minor Requirements webpage. 

All students must have Math/Stat placements, see the department placement information webpage.  

NOTE: Much of the information on these pages can also be found in the Swarthmore Course Catalog. The catalog takes precedence if there is conflicting information.