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Abraham Porschet '25

Abraham Porschet '25

First math class at Swarthmore:  My first math class at Swat was Math 28 with Professor Grood.

What was your favorite math class and why?  My favorite math class has been Real Analysis. It offers a rare blend of beauty, fun, and empowerment, as you construct introductory calculus from the ground up with your friends and professor. At times it’s challenging, but those moments teach you to love math even when it’s hard and bring everyone in the class closer together. As I joked with a friend in my section: in Math 63, you put the "earn" in "learn."

Why did you become a math major?  I had always loved math, and when I took calculus in high school, I fell in love with it even more. Once I got to Swat, I felt certain that I would be a math major, but my first classes felt a bit intimidating at times, and I didn’t always feel ready. Luckily, some professors instilled confidence in me and helped me regain my sense of enjoyment for math.

How do you expect to use your mathematics after leaving Swarthmore?  I plan to pursue a career that uses math and statistics, but even if I don’t, I’ll still use the problem-solving skills and intellectual rigor that math has given me.

What advice do you have for an incoming student?  I would advise students not to be afraid of classes. Your professors are looking out for you, and often the classes with the toughest reputations are the most transformative. Take everything that sounds interesting!