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Honors Majors & Minors

Honors majors in Economics must meet the theory, math, and statistics requirements for an Economics course major and take three two-credit preparations in Economics. Honors minors in Economics take one two-credit preparation in Economics and are required to complete at least four total credits in Economics at Swarthmore. Most preparations involve taking a 2 credit seminar, but some preparations may combine a course and a 1 credit seminar. A complete list of preparations, with their prerequisites, appears below. External examiners will determine a student’s Honors performance in an individual preparation based on a 3 hour written exam, an oral exam, and if applicable, a seminar paper. Honors majors do not take the comprehensive exam given to course majors.

Applicants for an honors major or minor should have satisfied all of the requirements for acceptance as an Economics course major and, in addition, should have a straight B or better grade average in Economics courses.  This condition includes the grade equivalent(s) for any course(s) taken Credit/No Credit. Typically, a student who wants to major in the honors program first applies for the program through the sophomore plan. In the sophomore plan,  students should indicate the intention to apply for the honors program and should list all preparations, by semester, that they plan to take as part of their program. Students usually take at least one honors preparation in their junior year. Approval of a student's honors program must be granted by the department. Changes of major and/or honors status can be made at any time on MySwarthmore.

Honors Preparations:

ECON 101 Advanced Microeconomics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and multivariable calculus (MATH 033, 034 or 035)

ECON 102 Advanced Macroeconomics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 021, and multivariable calculus (MATH 033, 034 or 035, or MATH 025 with permission of the instructor), Recommended: MATH 043 or 044

ECON 122 Financial Economics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011, ECON 031 or ECON 035, and MATH 025 or higher calculus

ECON 135 Advanced Econometrics (1 credit) and ECON 035 Econometrics (1 credit), Prerequisites: ECON 035 and linear algebra (MATH 027, 028, or 028S)

ECON 141 Public Economics (2 credits), Prerequisite: ECON 011 and ECON 031

ECON 151 International Economics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 021

ECON 155 Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 031

ECON 162 Antitrust and Market Regulation (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 031

ECON 175 Health Economics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 031

ECON 176 Environmental Economics (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 031

ECON 181 Economic Development (2 credits), Prerequisites: ECON 011 and ECON 021; Recommended: ECON 031 or its equivalent