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Social Sciences Quantitative Laboratory

Economics, Political Science, and Sociology/Anthropology

Department Overview

The Social Sciences Quantitative Laboratory at Swarthmore College develops students’ skills in quantitative analysis and comprehension.


Additional information can be found here. To get weekly emails about workshops you are interested in, fill out the form at


Upcoming workshops:

  • Stata Workshops
    • See here for detailed topics and schedules.
  • Introduction to R
    • Sessions will be offered starting in mid March. Details to be announced.

A list of workshops that may be offered in the future can be found here.

Office Hours

Office hour information can be found here

Curriculum consultation

If you have questions about the types of classes that will provide data science skills, the SSQL can provide information about which classes you can take and the skills that might be helpful to acquire.


Teaching Assistant opportunities are available for students with strong Stata and R skills. If you’d like to TA for one of the workshops, please email