Academic Program

Kohlberg Hall
The Department of Economics offers a wide variety of courses, with focuses such as economic development, health and health care, international trade, the environment, macroeconomics, game theory, finance, econometrics, industrial organization, labor markets, and race and gender. Economics majors have a great deal of leeway to structure their studies based on their interests.
The Starting Point
ECON 001 or its waiver is a prerequisite for all other work in the department. It must be completed before, rather than simultaneous with, other courses in economics. First-year seminars, when offered, represent the one exception to this rule as they do not have any prerequisites.
Major Requirements
To graduate as a course major, a student must:
1. Have at least eight credits in economics.
2. Meet the theory, math, and statistics requirements.
3. In the senior year, pass the comprehensive exam.
Honors majors must meet the first two requirements above, but do not take the comprehensive exam. Instead they complete three honors preparations in the department and then take an external examination on each of these preparations in the spring of their senior year (along with one preparation in an honors minor). Honors minors in Economics take one two-credit preparation and are required to complete at least four total credits in Economics at Swarthmore.
The theory requirement for all majors consists of taking both ECON 011 (Intermediate Microeconomics) and ECON 021 (Intermediate Macroeconomics). These courses require MATH 015 or its equivalent, which comprises the Department's math requirement as explained below.
The statistics requirement for all majors is typically satisfied by taking ECON 031. There are three alternative routes to satisfying the statistics requirement: 1) taking ECON 035 (which accepts STAT 021 as an alternative prerequisite to ECON 031); 2) taking STAT 061 in combination with either STAT 011 or STAT 021; or 3) taking STAT 111. STAT 011 and STAT 021, whether individually or in combination, do not satisfy the statistics requirement.
A knowledge of elementary calculus is extremely useful in understanding the logic of economics. The math requirement for all majors consists of taking MATH 015 (or receiving either credit for or placement out of that course from the Math Department). This is a prerequisite for both ECON 011 and ECON 021, so it must be completed before embarking on the theory requirement. Unless otherwise indicated in the course's prerequisites, however, students are free to take courses that do not have ECON 011 or ECON 021 as a prerequisite before they meet the math requirement. These courses include ECON 001, ECON 031, and a variety of others.
Students should complete ECON 011, ECON 021, and ECON 031 before their senior spring semester. The comprehensive examination covers material taught in these courses.
Students can elect to take any economics course or seminar Credit/No Credit (subject to college regulations that limit the total number of such elections) and can count any credits earned in these CR/NC preparations towards an economics major. Students uncertain about this choice are encouraged to consult with the professor, or with their departmental advisor or the department chair.
The Economics major carries the US Department of Education Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code 45.0601 and is not STEM-OPT eligible.
Some Academic Advice
- You can find lots of good information through our department website, materials offered by the Registrar's Office, and the College Catalog. If you have questions after reviewing these resources, please be in contact with your advisor or with Administrative Assistant Megan Salladino (
- Students who take ECON 001 in their first semester often wonder what to do next. A great next step is to take an elective course in Economics in the spring to practice skills while examining a real-world topic of interest. Many electives only require ECON 001 as their prerequisite. Then, in the sophomore fall semester, take ECON 011 and maybe ECON 031.
- Don't worry if you discover Economics relatively late in your time at Swarthmore. There are many possible paths to and through the field. Some of our professors didn't take their first Economics course until their sophomore spring semester (or later).
- Course majors should complete ECON 011, ECON 021, and ECON 031 before their senior spring semester. The comprehensive examination covers material taught in these courses.
- The department strongly recommends that students take MATH 025 or 026 (Calculus 2). For those intending to focus on the more technical aspects of Economics, MATH 027 (Linear Algebra), MATH 034 (Several Variable Calculus), and MATH 044 (Differential Equations) are valuable.
- Students who think that they might want to enter a Ph.D. program in Economics or a related field are strongly encouraged to speak to faculty members about coursework and research activities. Plan to take a significant number of math courses, including MATH 063 (Introduction to Real Analysis).
- Sign up for an honors seminar! These seminars are a fantastic learning experience! Honors students have priority, but course majors usually get admitted too. Email the department Administrative Assistant (Megan Salladino at indicating a desired seminar's number, title, and semester to get on the enrollment list.
- Students who are planning a career in business or finance should contact the Office of Career Services to take advantage of that Office's speaker series, courses, and other resources that can help them understand their options and prepare for a variety of potential jobs.