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Summer Programs

Photo of Alhambra

Alhambra, Granada, Spain. (Photo by Danagouws)

The following list of recommended programs is for orientation purposes only. It includes programs that offer courses for which Spanish credit may be granted. Students who study abroad (or at one of the listed programs in the US) during the summer may receive up to one credit for their work. 

Please keep in mind that only in exceptional circumstances will Spanish majors and minors be allowed to fulfill the semester-long study abroad requirement with a summer program. Another important factor students should be aware of when considering summer study abroad or Spanish language options is that summer programs are not covered by Swarthmore College financial aid, and thus students are responsible for the full cost of such programs. Students are encouraged to apply for a Summer Opportunities fellowship from the Arts and Humanities Division to help cover the costs of their summer study abroad program.

Students interested in summer study abroad programs or in summer Spanish language programs should consult with a Spanish faculty member about their options.


US Locations

Middlebury Institute's Summer Intensive Language Program at Monterrey

Middlebury Language Schools


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Torcuato di Tella en Buenos Aires (Argentina Culture and Language Program)

Granada, Spain

Universidad de Granada

Madrid, Spain

Duke in Spain (Summer Term)

Boston University in Madrid-Summer Program

Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, Instituto Franklin

Toledo, Spain

Fundación Ortega Marañón (Campus in Toledo Program)