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Majors with Partner Departments

Spanish and Educational Studies

The Department of Spanish and the Department of Educational Studies prepare students for a combined Spanish and Educational Studies major or PreK-12 Spanish certification in Pennsylvania. Students may also pursue certification without majoring or minoring in either department, provided they complete the required courses in both areas.

For details on requirements, see the academic chart below and the PA Teacher Certification section on the Educational Studies Department website, which includes information on certification transfer to other states.

Review department specific requirements for Spanish & Educational Studies [pdf].

Major in Linguistics & Languages

Spanish requirements:

  1. 3 credits numbered above 022.
  2. One of the 3 credits must be SPAN 022 or SPAN 023 but not both.
  3. To ensure the development of Spanish linguistic competence, only courses conducted in Spanish will count toward the fulfillment of the 3-credit requirement.
  4. In special circumstances, by permission of the Department of Spanish, SPAN 014 could count toward the 3-credit requirement.
  5. If the student is pursuing off-campus study in a Spanish speaking country, only one literature course taken abroad that pertains to the curriculum of the Department of Spanish may count toward fulfillment of the three-credit requirement. For full immersion, all courses taken abroad must be taken in Spanish. (Advanced language courses taken abroad may receive Spanish credit but will not count toward the special major's three-credit requirement.)

Review department requirements for major in Linguistics & Languages.