Language Requirement

The Department of Spanish is located on the third floor of Kohlberg Hall, directly behind Parrish Hall, the historic stone building that originally housed the entire college.
“It is most desirable that students include in their programs some work in a foreign language, beyond the basic language requirement.” Swarthmore
College Bulletin , Educational Program (Section 7.2. Program for the First and Second Years)
To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, candidates must fulfill a foreign language requirement. To meet Degree Requirements as outlined in the Swarthmore College Bulletin, candidates must have done at least one of the following:
- A. successfully studied 3 years of a single foreign language during grades 9 through 12 (work done before grade 9 cannot be counted, regardless of the course level);
- B. successfully completing the final term of a college-level, year-long, introductory foreign language course or a semester-long intermediate or advanced foreign language course; or
- C. for students who have learned English as a foreign language; demonstrate proficiency in another language. Part C of the ways to fulfill the foreign language requirement before admission to Swarthmore applies to international students - specifically those who learned English as a foreign language while maintaining demonstrable proficiency in another language. To meet this requirement, you must have completed formal education in that foreign language at the high school level, equivalent to the standards outlined in Part A.
If you need to complete the language requirement, the Registrar recommends that students fulfill the language requirement before their junior year. Students can check its completion status on mySwarthmore Degree Audit. Students cannot fulfill the requirement through summer language courses.
Plan your Spanish courses strategically, ideally starting in your first semester at Swarthmore. This proactive approach helps you avoid scheduling conflicts with other major requirements. The consistent structure of Spanish language classes can help you establish a productive study routine, which is especially valuable during your first year, while also providing opportunities to build connections with classmates and create a sense of belonging within the Swarthmore community.
If you have fulfilled your language requirement, the Department encourages you to use your time at Swarthmore to become truly proficient in Spanish. Consider taking any of our introductory courses: SPAN 010, 015, 022 and 023 are officially designated Writing Courses, and as such they fulfill the Writing Course Requirement.
If you have any doubts or concerns, please consult the chair of the department.