New Faculty

Below are some items of important information that may be of interest to you as you begin to navigate your way around the college. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you on campus!
New Faculty Orientation
The Provost's Office hosts orientation for new faculty each August. Please contact the Provost's Office for more information.
Guide For Instructional Staff New to Swarthmore College
New faculty members are encouraged to review the Guide for Instructional Staff New to the College (Swarthmore credentials required; please contact the Provost's Office if you have not obtained login information)
Benefits Orientation
Benefits eligible faculty members should plan to attend the benefits orientation. Representatives from Human Resources will provide an overview of benefits options and will answer questions regarding health insurance packages, spending accounts, etc.
Faculty and Instructional Staff members will be paid via direct deposit on the 15th of each month. You will receive a confirming e-mail a few days prior to payday notifying you of your pending deposit. If you haven't already, complete your new hire paperwork forms to establish payroll and direct deposits.
Parking Permit and Photo ID
If you will be parking your car on campus you will need a parking permit. Visit Public Safety's Website for an electronic application. Once the application has been submitted, your permit will be sent via campus mail to your department. Otherwise, you are welcome to stop by Public Safety (Benjamin West House) and fill out a form there where you will be issued a permit. Benjamin West House is located on Chester Road (Rt. 320).
Your Swarthmore College photo ID will be necessary for access to campus buildings, library borrowing privileges, as well as for access to the College's athletic facilities. Visit our One Card office located in Parrish 131A to get your photo ID.
Within mySwarthmore you can enter your emergency contact information and directory information (i.e. office location and phone extension). mySwarthmore also provides access to paystubs, direct deposit information, W-2 forms, and benefit information.
Faculty/Staff Dash
The Faculty/Staff Dash contains lots of useful information, including a link to the SEPTA train schedule, and many on campus services that might interest you. At the top of the page you will see tabs for access to: mySwarthmore, Moodle, Google, tripod, and Faculty Services. Your network user ID and password is to be used for all of these applications.
Visit the Swarthmore Bookstore's Website to see what they have to offer. To place a textbook order, click on the "Faculty" link OR contact Dave Urbany (, 610-328-8018).