Completed Projects
Below is an ongoing list of products that have emerged from semester writing group participation. *Denotes Swarthmore Student.
Betsy Bolton (English Literature)
Bolton, B. (2024). Mouth art of the bald-faced hornet. Finishing Line Press.
Bolton, B. (in press). In the kingdom of the thunder dragon: Happiness, history, and environment in a changing Bhutan. Lever Press.
Davidson, B. (in press). Lhx3/4 acts as a cardiopharyngeal lineage determinant, dictating lineage-specific transcription in response to widespread fibroblast growth factor signaling. PLOS Biology.
Emily Foster-Hanson (Psychology)
Peebles, I., Kinney, D., & Foster-Hanson, E. (under review). Systematic Decision Frameworks for the Socially Responsible Use of Precision Medicine.
Benítez, J., Foster-Hanson, E., & Rhodes, M. (Under review). Generic references to gender predict essentialism even when they express counter-stereotypic ideas. Pre-print:
Szanton, E.C., Lei, R.L., Foster-Hanson, E., Kumar, V., & Young, L. (Under revision). Time to abandon “born this way” narratives? Moral motivations shape sexual orientation essentialism. Pre-print:
Foster-Hanson, E., Ziska, K., & Rhodes, M. (Under revision). Interrupting the cultural transmission of idealized biological prototypes.
Foster-Hanson, E., & Lombrozo, L. (2024). Functional explanations link gender essentialism and normativity. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Foster-Hanson, E., & Venkatagiri, S. (2024). Promoting Ethical Technology Design Practices by Leveraging Human Psychology. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
Gillham, J., & Brunwasser, S.M. (2024). Psychological interventions to prevent depression: A cause for hope. Lancet Psychiatry, 11 (12), 947-948. DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00364-X
Rashid, T., Gillham, J., & Anjum, A. (2024). Strengths-based resilience: A practitioner's manual for the SBR Program. Hogrefe. ISBN: 9781616765644
Rashid, T., Gillham, J., Louden, R., & Anjum, A. (2024). Strengths-based resilience workbook. Hogrefe. ISBN: 9781616765828
Chris Graves (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Scott, J. S., Maenaga, M. L., Woodside, A. J., Guo, V. W., Cheriel, A. R., Gau, M. R., Rablen, P. R., & Graves, C. R. (2024). Reversible O-H bond activation by tripodal tris(nitroxide) aluminum and gallium complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 63 (9), 4028-4038. 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c02902
Mera Ford, N. (in press). Labyrinthine Routes to Meditation: Contemplative Pedagogy and Instructor Self-Care. Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education.
Elise A. Mitchell, “The “Practitioner of Physick and Surgery” and the Enslaved “Doctor”: Medicine, Slavery, Race, and Patriarchy in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica,” The Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies vol. 11(2), no. 8 (2024): 155-182. doi:
Elise A. Mitchell, “British Slave Trade in the Atlantic,” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History (Oxford University Press, 2016—). Article published November 20, 2024. doi:
Kathryn Riley (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Hui, J.*, Majikes, J., Riley, K. R. Analysis of DNA Origami Nanostructures Using Capillary Electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, Accepted Manuscript, In Press.
Caprise, M. A., Quevedo, A. C., Riley, K. R. Quantitative separation of polystyrene nanoparticles in environmental matrices with picogram detection limits using capillary electrophoresis. Chemical Communications, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3CC04588A Selected for two themed collections: Chemical Communications HOT Articles 2023 and the 2023 Emerging Investigators Series
Ambruso, K., Park, H-Y.*, Riley, K. R. Analysis of the Active Ingredients in Sunscreen: A Multi-Week Experiment for the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 2023,
Jonny Thakkar (Political Science)
Thakkar, J. (2023). Basic equality: A Hegelian resolution. European Journal of Philosophy.
Towles, J. (in press). The sensitivity of the endpoint forces of thumb extrinsic and intrinsic muscles to changes in joint angles, muscle moment arms and bone lengths in the flexed thumb. Paper presented at 2023 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Annual Conference.
Towles, J. (in press). Measurement of the three-dimensional muscle endpoint forces in the extended thump and its application to determining muscle combinations that enable lateral pinch force production throughout the plane of flexion-extension. Paper presented at 2023 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Annual Conference.
Denend, L., Spielman, S., Venook, R., Pamnani, R.D., Camarillo, D., Wall, J., Towles, J. Using an accelerated undergraduate needs finding course to build skills, inspire confidence, and promote interest in health technology innovation. Journal of Biomedical Engineering Education.
Yang, J., Towles, J., Sheppard, S., Atwood, S. Barbed-wire boundaries: The hidden curriculum, first-generation and low-income engineering students, and internship acquisition. Journal of Women and Minorities.
Ghambi, S., Taylor, A. R., Phiri, J. C., Henriques, J. J., Towles, J. (in press). Toward bidirectional faculty development: A collaborative model for desigining and implementing faculty trainings on evidence-based strategies for supporting student learning in low- and middle-income countries. Presented at 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD.
Smith, C.*, Towles, J. (2023). An investigation of muscle thumb tip movement patterns: Application to restoring grasp following tetraplegia. Proceedings of the 2023 National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Eau Claire, WL. (podium presentation).
Lee, W. *, Lee-Zachesis, J.*, Nie, L., Towles, J. (2023). Biomechanics of classical vocal production including the role of the hands: A systematic review. Preceedings of the 2023 National Collegiate Research Conference. Cambridge, MA. (podium presentation).
Jonathan Washington (Linguistics)
Washington, J. N. (in press). "Vowel harmony in Turkic languages". In The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Ed. by Nancy A. Ritter and Harry van der Hulst. Oxford University Press.
Washington, J. N. (in press). "What can we learn from Mongolic material in Kazakh and Kyrgyz?" In Festschrift for Ilse Laude-Cirtautas. De Gruyter.
Michael Wilson-Becerril (Peace & Conflict Studies)
Wilson-Becerril, M. (in press). Discourse Analysis and Hermeneutics. In C. P. Webel & J. Galtung (Eds.), Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. SAGE.