During the last five years, 94% of Swarthmore applicants were admitted to law school, compared to a national average of 77%
94% admitted to law school
Admissions Office
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (610) 328-8300
Email: admissions@swarthmore.edu
Parrish Hall, Second Floor
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Swarthmore’s intellectual experience is excellent preparation for students who want to pursue a career in law. Students interested in law are encouraged to take a varied and challenging academic program, which develops analytical, reading, writing, and speaking skills.
The Pre-Law Office counsels students throughout their time at Swarthmore, and assists them during the law school application process, facilitates a series of meetings with law school admissions deans each fall, and prepares dean’s certifications for students applying to law schools that require it.
“Applying in the midst of my senior year was difficult, but the pre-law advising office helped me understand the application process, narrow down school options, and even edited my personal statement. I’m now attending one of my top choices with a full scholarship,” says Emily Audet ’18.
During the last five years, 94 percent of Swarthmore applicants to law school were accepted, compared to a national average of 77 percent. Swarthmore graduates are represented at law schools across the U.S., including such top schools as Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, and Yale. Students have applied successfully to law school with majors and minors in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
94% admitted to law school