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Registration Guide for First Year Students: Class of 2028

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Swarthmore offers two different introductory chemistry courses, CHEM 010 and CHEM 011, each covering similar material but intended for students with different prior background in Chemistry.  Students can only take one or the other course while at Swarthmore. The Chemistry & Biochemistry Department does not grant credit for AP or IB exam scores. 

CHEM 010 or CHEM 011.  Which One Is Best For Me?

CHEM 010 is an introductory course intended to cover all important concepts of general chemistry, no matter how much prior experience with chemistry students have had. CHEM 010 meets four times every week: Monday/Wednesday/Friday AM for lectures, and one afternoon (1-4:30PM) for laboratory. There is no requirement or placement/readiness exam necessary to enroll in CHEM 010.

CHEM 011 is an introductory course designed for students with a strong background in high-school chemistry and a high level of interest in the subject. The class schedule for CHEM 011 depends on whether a lab experiment is scheduled or not. For weeks without a lab, the class will meet three times (MWF, 11:30AM-12:20PM); for weeks with a lab, the class will meet once for prelab (M, 11:30AM-12:20PM) and once for lab (W, 1PM-4:30PM). There are seven laboratory weeks scheduled in the semester for Chemistry 011.

Enrollment in CHEM 011  is limited to a single section and to be eligible for CHEM 011, students must take the Chemistry 011 Placement Exam. For more information about CHEM 011 and the Placement Exam, please contact Professor Remi Beaulac at

Guidelines for registration for CHEM 010 lecture sections and labs.  

CHEM 010 requires enrollment in a section of CHEM 010 laboratory. You can register for any lab section. Six laboratory sections are available to students, with labs held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons (1:15 to 4:30 pm) as well as Tuesday and Thursday mornings (8:00 to 11:15 am).  Labs are capped at 24 students and are filled on a first come, first served basis. This means that popular sections might fill up. Students should not rely heavily on securing a spot in one specific laboratory section when planning their schedules.

Some students may find themselves unable to register for one of the courses or the lab on August 30 due to enrollment caps. If you are unable to register and would like to be added to the waitlist, please send an email to both Prof. Kathryn Riley ( and Dr. Maria Gallagher (, including all choices for lecture and lab sections that fit your schedule.

Answers to common questions about CHEM 010 lab registration

•  The only labs that work for my schedule are full. What should I do?

If a student cannot get a lab section they want, but are very interested in taking CHEM 010 this semester, they should sign up for a different lab and contact Dr. Maria Gallagher ( immediately about the issue. We will work with the student on finding a way to fit CHEM 010 into their schedule. Once the student has contacted their instructor, they will be added to wait lists for all laboratories that fit their schedule. These wait lists are filled on a first come, first served basis. For the first week of labs we can accommodate the student with another time slot (students must attend lab the first week of classes). We typically do have a few spots open up in the first week due to drops or schedule changes.

•  I have a class at 11:20 am on Tuesday and Thursday.  Can I still take a morning lab?

Yes, morning labs are scheduled until 11:15 am. If a student has a class at 11:20 am, they should let their laboratory instructor know. We will work with that student to make sure that they get out of lab in time each week to make it to their next class.

•  The morning labs start at 8 am. That upsets me. Why should I still take a morning lab?

Historically, most students who take the morning labs end up preferring that time for future lab sections when it is available. The labs tend to be smaller, which means less waiting for equipment and more personalized attention from instructors and teaching assistants, so the lab experiments take less time. Also, taking a morning lab by definition frees up an afternoon for the student who can then use it for other activities or just for some free time.

•  I really, really, really need to take CHEM 010 this semester, and the only lab that fits my schedule is full. Can you just make an exception this once?

CHEM 010 labs are capped at 24 students for safety reasons. This is a hard rule and there are no exceptions. Unfortunately, due to finite resources and widely varying demand for CHEM 010 we cannot guarantee that all students will be able to find a lab section that fits their schedule.

Answers to common questions about Chemistry and Biochemistry Dept

•  Should I take a chemistry course in my first semester at Swarthmore?

This depends on your expectations with respect to further work in the Department.  CHEM 010/011 are only offered in the Fall semester, so there is no opportunity to delay enrolling for only one semester. 

If you believe that you might wish to major in Chemistry or Biochemistry, then you are strongly encouraged to take CHEM 010/011 in your first semester at the College.  While it is possible to start the major as a sophomore, the sequential nature of the curriculum makes this a more difficult proposition.

If you are certain that you are taking Chemistry only to meet the requirements of an allied science discipline such as Biology, Neuroscience, or Engineering, or to meet the pre-medical requirements, then you have more flexibility.  Approximately 45% of the enrollment in Chemistry 10 in any year is non-first year students.

•  I'm interested in majoring in Chemistry.  What courses should I take in my first two years?

The ideal schedule for someone interested in majoring in Chemistry would be to take the following four courses, in sequence, in the first four semesters: CHEM 010/011CHEM 022 (Organic Chemistry I), CHEM 032 (Organic Chemistry II), and CHEM 038 (Biological Chemistry).  CHEM 043 (Analytical Chemistry) can be taken in the Spring of the sophomore year, if the prerequisites in Physics and Math have been met.   By the end of the sophomore year, majors should make progress towards meeting the prerequisites for the required courses in physical chemistry by completing two semesters of physics (Physics 3 or 3L and Physics 4 or 4L), and mathematics through multivariable calculus (Math 33 or 34). 

The full requirements for the Chemistry major can be found in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Chapter of the Course Catalog.           

•  I'm interested in majoring in Biochemistry.  What courses should I take in my first two years?

The ideal schedule for someone interested in majoring in Biochemistry would be to take the following four courses, in sequence, in the first four semesters:  CHEM 010/011CHEM 022 (Organic Chemistry I), CHEM 032 (Organic Chemistry II), and CHEM 038 (Biological Chemistry).   Prospective Biochemistry majors should also complete the prerequisites (often BIOL 001 and/or BIOL 002) for the Biology courses that they will need to take to complete the Biochemistry major.   In addition, prospective majors should make progress towards meeting the prerequisites for a required course in physical chemistry by completing two semesters of physics (Physics 3 or 3L and Physics 4 or 4L), and two or more semesters of calculus. 

The full requirements for the Biochemistry major can be found in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Chapter of the Course Catalog.           

•  How do I get involved in a research lab?  How soon can I get involved?

Each November the Department organizes an event at which the faculty who are interested in accepting students into their labs in the coming year make brief presentations of their research interests.  Following this event, there is an opportunity for students to visit with individual faculty and then to fill out a brief form that details student interests for a position during the spring, summer, or following fall semester.  The faculty will accommodate as many requests as possible given the availability of space and funding, with some preference for upper class students.

To get involved, watch for an announcement of the departmental event in November, and make sure to attend.  Also, reach out to upper class students and ask them about their research and their experiences. Finally, check the Department website, read about the research done by our faculty and reach out to them. Many of the faculty accept students of all class years into their research groups.  Students are involved in research in the academic year for academic credit (ex. CHEM 094) and/or during the summer months for a stipend

•  I'm interested in studying abroad for a semester.  Is that possible for a Chemistry or a Biochemistry major?

Studying abroad for a semester is compatible with a Chemistry or a Biochemistry major, but careful advanced planning is essential.  Some semesters are much easier to accommodate than others because of the sequential nature of the curriculum.  It is rare to find Chemistry or Biochemistry courses abroad that will substitute for our major requirements, either because of language barriers, or laboratory credit problems, or both.  Chemistry or Biochemistry majors who study abroad generally arrange their schedules so that they do not need to enroll in Chemistry or Biochemistry courses abroad.  Hence, the need for careful advanced planning.   We suggest early consultation with a member of the Department if this is an option that you would like to pursue.