Spring 2025
- CHEM 003B. Painting, Chemistry and Conservation.
- CHEM 022. Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 038. Biological Chemistry
- CHEM 043. Analytical Methods and Instrumentation
- CHEM 065. Advanced Integrated Experimental Chemistry
- CHEM 094. Research Project
- CHEM 096. Research Thesis
- CHEM 104. Topics in Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 110. Topics in Biophysical Chemistry
- CHEM 180. Honors Thesis- Research
- CHEM 199. Senior Thesis Workshop
Fall 2025
- CHEM 010. Foundations of Chemical Principles
- CHEM 011. Integrated Foundations of Chemical Principles
- CHEM 032. Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 042. Physical Chemistry I
- CHEM 048. Biological Chemistry II
- CHEM 056. Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 058. Advanced Experimental Biological Chemistry
- CHEM 094. Research Project
- CHEM 096. Research Thesis
- CHEM 112. DNA Nanotechnology
- CHEM 180. Honors Thesis- Research
- CHEM 199. Senior Thesis Workshop
Spring 2026
- CHEM 022. Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 038. Biological Chemistry
- CHEM 043. Analytical Methods and Instrumentation
- CHEM 052. Physical Chemistry II
- CHEM 065. Advanced Integrated Experimental Chemistry
- CHEM 094. Research Project
- CHEM 096. Research Thesis
- CHEM 110. Topics in Biophysical Chemistry
- CHEM 126. Modern Main Group Chemistry
- CHEM 180. Honors Thesis- Research
- CHEM 199. Senior Thesis Workshop
Fall 2026
- CHEM 010. Foundations of Chemical Principles
- CHEM 011. Integrated Foundations of Chemical Principles
- CHEM 032. Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 042. Physical Chemistry I
- CHEM 048. Biological Chemistry II
- CHEM 056. Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 058. Advanced Experimental Biological Chemistry
- CHEM 094. Research Project
- CHEM 096. Research Thesis
- CHEM 120. Topics in Environmental Nanotechnology
- CHEM 180. Honors Thesis- Research
- CHEM 199. Senior Thesis Workshop
Spring 2027
- CHEM 022. Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 038. Biological Chemistry
- CHEM 043. Analytical Methods and Instrumentation
- CHEM 052. Physical Chemistry II
- CHEM 065. Advanced Integrated Experimental Chemistry
- CHEM 094. Research Project
- CHEM 096. Research Thesis
- CHEM 104. Topics in Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 110. Topics in Biophysical Chemistry
- CHEM 180. Honors Thesis- Research
- CHEM 199. Senior Thesis Workshop