Community Outreach

Halloween Demo Show students conducting science experiments with pumpkins.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry enjoys sharing science with the larger community.
Every October 23rd we host a campus wide "Mole Day" celebration. Also, in October of each year, the Department's Chemistry Club hosts fun student activites during National Chemistry Week (usually the week of Mole Day) such as making a Periodic Table of cupcakes, preparing liquid nitrogen ice cream, a Mole Day scavenger hunt, and ending with a Halloween Demo Show for the surrounding community that includes children's tables.
The Department also participates each summer in the Chemistry Section of the Science for Kids program which is part of the Chester Children's Chorus 5 week summer program. The five weeks of hands-on chemistry experimentation culminate in a science fair.
Other Department activities have included visits to local elementary schools and participation in programs designed to encourage increased participation by women in chemistry.