Art Spaces

Whittier Hall and MakerSpace
A hub for many concentrations, this new building is outfitted with studios for sculpture, architectural studies, and the senior major studios. Whittier houses the MakerSpace, a physical and visual nexus for the MakerSpace Ecosystem and the Swarthmore Innovation Collaborative’s work.
Visit Whittier Hall and the MakerSpace inside Whittier here.
Beardsley Hall
Beardsley Hall houses one of the two painting studios, the Media Center, and the art faculty and staff offices.
Visit Beardsley Hall
Old Tarble
Painting and photography studios are located inside Old Tarble. Read more below for details on this beautiful space.
Visit Old Tarble
Color Room
In 2016, the College did a broad-scale study of the student experience. It confirmed much of what we knew all along — that the spaces for studying were inadequate and inappropriate for the type of work in which students were engaged. Our most recent renovations in both the Cornell Science Library and McCabe Library have addressed this need with a wide variety of seating and study rooms. Perhaps most unique among academic libraries is the Color Room. Co-designed by faculty from art and physics, this study room is replete with pigment samples, physics experiments, and a rare and circulating book collection on color. Used by an interdisciplinary group, the Chromatic Cabinet, for its quarterly seminars on color, the Color Room has become one of the most popular study rooms in McCabe.
Visit the Color Room inside McCabe Library
Kitao Gallery
This student-run gallery is named after Professor Emerita of Art History Kaori Kitao, who taught at Swarthmore for 35 years. For upcoming exhibitions, to submit for student art shows, or to read full details on the gallery, please visit the Kitao Gallery webpage.
Visit Kitao Gallery