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Beardsley Hall

Beardsley Hall. Exterior. Winter.

Beardsley Hall, exterior. Winter on campus.

Built in 1906, Beardsley Hall was created using an architectural cutting-edge material technology: molded concrete blocks. Today, this unique structure is the home to two painting studios exceeding 1,100 sq ft .  In addition to the Art Office, you can also find faculty and staff’s offices.  The campus’ Media Center and Idea Lab are also located on the first floor.  The Media Center can be used to create digital storytelling, video production, motion graphics, animation, or photography.  The Idea Lab is a space for ideas and experimentation. The space features virtual reality systems, a green screen, and flight simulation.

Interested in viewing more content including Beardsley?  Check out the below video from 1935 to view the Swarthmore Football team with Beardsley Hall shown in the backdrop.