Old Tarble Studios and Mural

Connie Hungerford Art Studio interior. Student painting.

Connie Hungerford Art Studio interior. Old Tarble. Painting course.

Dirgital Photogrpahy Lab. Professor Ron Tarver instructing Photo I course.

Photography Darkroom, student experimenting with developing using directed light.

Exterior Old Tarble entrance ramp, with donkey model waiting outside.

Old Tarble exterior

Digital Photo Lab. Students preparing to use 4x5 format cameras in the field.

Old Tarble. Exterior, detail.

Murals sections deinstalled from Hicks Hall and awaiting transport to Old Tarble.

Installation of the mural sections in Old Tarble upper walls.

Original Hicks Hall site of fresco cycle before deinstall and new installation to Old Table. Detail of Science and Poverty.

Original Hicks Hall site of fresco cycle before deinstall and new installation to Old Table. Detail of War and Peace.

Original Hicks Hall site of fresco cycle before deinstall and new installation to Old Table. Detail of Engineering.

Final installation of the murals inside the Connie Hungerford Art Studio, Old Tarble.

Installation of the mural sections in Old Tarble upper walls.

Original Hicks Hall site of fresco cycle before deinstall and new installation to Old Table. Detail of Bomb.

Conservationist preparing murals sections to be deinstalled and newly installed in Old Tarble.

Original Hicks Hall site dring section deinstall. Detail of section protective metal layer before cut and removal.

Newly prepped install mural space inside the Connie Hungerford Art Studio, Old Tarble.

Newly prepped install mural space inside the Connie Hungerford Art Studio, Old Tarble.

Prepared mural sections cut from Hicks Hall being installed inside the Connie Hungerford Art Studio, Old Tarble.

Mural section detail (including the backing wall) after cut and deinstall from Hicks Hall.

Wall preparation before the install of mural sections inside the Connie Hungerford Art Studio, Old Tarble.

Original Hicks Hall site of fresco cycle before deinstall and new installation to Old Table. Detail of Culture and Education.