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Accessibility Guidance for Hosts & Event Creators

Booking Space at Swarthmore

Swarthmore’s space reservation system will alert you if a space is not accessible for someone with a mobility challenge.  If you do not receive an alert, you are safe to assume the space will be friendly to visitors and presenters with accessibility needs.

Keep in mind that you will still need to check other considerations such as lighting, acoustics and technology. 

Initial considerations

When you schedule the space for your event, consider the following elements to be sure the space will be welcoming and accommodating for all:

  • Mobility and access
    • Is there an accessible entrance to the venue for the presenter AND the audience? For instance LPAC Cinema has an accessible entrance for seating but not for a presenter with mobility limitations.
    • Are there stairs? If so, are there alternatives to stairs, including to get into the building itself.
    • Are there places to sit and/or rest?
    • Are there accessible restrooms?
  • Visibility
    • Visibility of aisles, tables, seating options and tripping hazards.
    • Lighting
      • Strobe lighting or flashing lights can trigger seizures or migraines.
      • Fluorescent lights may need to be dimmed or turned off entirely.
    • Visibility of presentation materials
  • Service Animals and space for them - can service animals be easily accommodated in seating areas?
  • Acoustics and sound reinforcement: 
    • Does the room have microphones/speakers for amplification?
    • Is there an assistive listening system in place?
    • Is there the option of wireless microphones for any Q&A or audience participation?
  • Technology
    • Wifi
    • Power outlets
    • Projection
    • Can captioning be provided?

What to check at the venue

  • Has anyone reached out for assistance due to their disability?
    • If so, and depending on the request, check the venue ahead to make sure all accommodations can be met, or meet with Classroom and Conferencing Technologies (CCT) staff to make sure you know how to operate any needed assistive technology including assistive listening devices or captioning.
  • Does the presenter have accessibility needs? Ensure this is part of the invitation to present.

Sustainability considerations 

  • Coming soon

Other Considerations

  • Food and food sensitivities:  try to provide alternatives such as gluten-free and nut-free options.
  • Are shared materials in an accessible format? E.g. audio with transcripts, video with captions and transcripts, presentations in screen-reader- friendly formats.

Presentations and materials

When inviting a presenter ask them to take a look at the suggestions on our Accessibility Guidelines for Speakers.

Asking what accommodations are needed

All campus events should include an accessibility statement clearly identifying how to request an accommodation.

  • Suggested notification:
    • Advance notice: Swarthmore College encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the event sponsor, or Susan Smythe, ADA Program Manager at 610-690-2063.
  • Ensure all electronic communications about events are accessible. When sending invitations or requiring pre-registration, ask specifically about attendees' accommodation needs. Follow up on all requests and, if unable to meet a specific request, work with the individual to find an alternative.
  • Include a link to the interactive campus map, highlighting accessible parking and routes.
  • If you’re sending an invitation or requiring pre-registration for your event, consider asking specifically about your audience’s needs and accommodations.
    • Make sure to follow up on all requests received. Consult Who to Contact to see requests through.
    • If it appears you will be unable to meet a specific request, follow up with the individual who made the request to determine whether an alternative arrangement can be made.

Link to the campus map. Consider specifically linking to the interactive map so that visitors can see where the closest accessible parking/walking routes are.

Who to contact with questions about an event?

During the Event:

What to do with Q&A sessions

  • Mics - provide mics for audience members to ask questions.  Try to provide someone to travel with the mic, so questioners don’t have to travel or stand.
  • Ask the presenter or panelist to repeat the question so all may hear or so that live captions can capture the question or comment.

Using Personal Devices for Live Captions and Transcripts

You can use personal device for live captions or transcripts. If you'd like to do this, consider requesting seating near the presenter or near a speaker. This will allow your device to more accurately capture audio.

Renting space from Swarthmore?

If you are renting space from Swarthmore, then you are responsible for ensuring the event is fully accessible.