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Accessibility at Swarthmore College

Accessibility at Swarthmore College

Department Overview

In addition to complying with the law, Swarthmore College is morally and ethically committed to communicating information to all individuals in a manner that enables them to achieve their academic and professional goals and aspirations. To maximize Swarthmore’s potential to achieve its legal, moral, and ethical commitments in the digital environment, the College has established an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility plan. 

What is it?

At its essence, accessibility is how easy or not it is for a person to interact with something.  


  • Transparency and open communication to campus leadership and all campus constituents
  • Anticipate, value and support diversity and learner differences
  • Reduce barriers on campus, in classrooms and in electronic communications
  • Measure conformance quality using standards such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) or higher education best practices
  • Validation versus checklists. In other words, focus testing on user success rather than relying solely on testing tools
  • Value usability and user experience over compliance
  • Shared responsibility
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