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Sustainability Advocates

Photo of SAs

The Sustainability Advocates Program offers staff and faculty the opportunity to take a leadership role in the collective effort to create a healthy and sustainable campus community. Advocates are each partnered with a student Green Advisor for the academic year; together they work to implement sustainability projects within the Advocate's department. The Sustainability Advocates Program supports the College's commitment to achieve a range of sustainability targets and to engage and educate all community members about sustainability topics.

2024-2025 Sustainability Advocates

 Andie D'Agostino (Office of Global Engagement), Christopher Proctor (Environmental Services), Dana Santure (Advancement), David Urbany and Robert Hirsh (Swarthmore Campus and Community Store), Rhonda Hilt (Biology and Environmental Studies), Melanie Leads (Events), Isabel Ilosa (Office of Sustainability), Brendan Carr (Office of Sustainability), Susannah Fishman (Center for Innovation and Leadership), Jordan Landes (Friends Historical Library), Clare Hyre (Office of Sustainability)

 Project Highlights

    • Led by Christopher "Chip" Proctor (EVS) & Ryan Rowe '26
    • With the understanding that the Inn at Swarthmore is also a part of our community, Chip and Ryan worked to re-introduce Zero Waste practices at the Inn and re-initiated composting and recycling there post Covid-19. Our Inn team worked with EVS so that the compostable waste from the Inn goes into the Swarthmore campus waste stream and defined new practices to collect recycling for our waste hauler pick-ups. 
    • Led by Jen Moore and Isabel Ibrahim '25
    • Jen and Isabel worked to bring a bike-fix it station to the back porch of Parrish Hall. Once installed, they also lead a workshop session to raise awareness of the new station and support the Swarthmore community in using and fixing their bikes on campus. 
    • Led by Dana Santure and Alex Wuttig '26
    • Dana and Alex worked to bring sustainability into the minds of alumni and families during campus events, especially during Garnet Weekend & Alumni Weekend. Alex designed a crossword puzzle and as a zero waste game and had tables set up with these games and  information about sustainability initiatives at the College and information for alumni to get involved with.
    • Led by Kathryn Melvin and Simone Gingerich-Boberg '26
    • Sustainability can be a broad topic and mean different things to each person. Understanding sustainability at Swarthmore can be especially difficult if you are an international student. Kathryn and Simone worked to create a resource guide for international student that explains what sustainability means and shares recourses for international students to use during International Student Orientation and throughout the year. 
    • Led by Anthony Condo (OneCard) & Susannah Broun ’22
    • This collaboration operates with the goal of diverting waste from the incinerator through the creation of a reusable packaging system. The system allows for the directing of packaging material (cardboard, bubble wrap, styrofoam, packing envelopes, etc) to collection centers where they can find a second life with students/staff/faculty who pick up the materials placed there. This project, done in collaboration with the Post Office, takes a considerable amount of material out of the waste stream and instead creates accessible products for practical reuse.
    • To learn more please watch the Disposable Packaging and Swarthmore College video.


Swarthmore Walks and Trails Project

Swarthmore and the surrounding communities offer a wealth of opportunities to get out of the house and explore the Borough and the great outdoors. Tara Cannon '20 and Sustainability Advocate partners from the Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association mapped about 20 different trails and walks that you can take!

Learn more here!