As a Swarthmore Summer Scholar, you will learn how to be academically successful in challenging, college-level classes while supported by a network of mentors. You'll have opportunities to build relationships with professors and classmates. This non-credit program will help you master essential study and time management skills that you'll need to perform well at Swarthmore. In addition, you'll learn to think quantitatively and carry out calculations; to make and execute mathematical models; and to know how to read and write effectively in science as well as in other fields of study.
Faculty members teaching in the Summer Scholars program include professors of mathematics, laboratory science, and writing-based disciplines. The program is supported by additional professional staff in lab science and mathematics. Student academic mentors, specially selected from the class of rising Swarthmore sophomores and juniors, will support you in math, writing, and lab science. The Summer Scholars Program has a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) focus, but we understand the importance of being able to communicate effectively in any discipline, so you will hone your reading and writing skills as well.
We know that to be successful at Swarthmore, you'll need to be able to balance your schedule and create a comfortable equilibrium between academic work and life outside the classroom. There are other equally important, but less tangible skills, that we will explore:
Communicating effectively with professors
Asking for academic help or support
Understanding the best use of office hours
Being a good classroom citizen
Ultimately, you'll learn how to cultivate good academic habits that will help you thrive during your four years at Swarthmore.
S3P Academic Program Image Callout
"Something that makes me feel accomplished is completing my work with the intentions of bettering myself and strengthening my mind, instead of worrying about a grade. This is a principle I have learned in these past five weeks, and I am eager to practice it for the next four years."
- Summer Scholar, Class of 2022