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DEADLINES/TIMING. I see that there are different deadlines for different grant opportunities. What do I do if I am offered a grant, but I am still waiting to hear back about another funding opportunity I am more interested in?

If you receive a grant offer and are still waiting to hear back from other options, you will need to make a tough decision. If you are unwilling to withdraw from other possibilities, you should not formally accept the offer. We strongly advise that should this situation arise, you should meet with the staff member who oversees the grant you've been offered to discuss their options.

RESEARCH. I will be doing research. Is there anything I should know?


You need to understand if:

  • your faculty supervisor has an Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (IRB) approval in place for their ongoing research, and you will be added, or 
  • you’ll need to submit an application to the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (IRB) for your proposed research.

Briefly: A project requires IRB review if it meets the definition of research, and involves an interaction or intervention with human subjects and/or their private and/or identifiable information. Detailed IRB information is available here

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval is secured by faculty when the subject of their research is a vertebrate animal. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) review is required when research utilizes recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, biological materials (e.g., infectious agents) and other potentially hazardous agents (e.g., carcinogens).  Students do not have a responsibility to pursue these approvals, as only faculty may do so, and faculty mentors will guide students to ensure that they have appropriate training before they begin activities under these research protocols.

Please reach out to to Jena Fioravanti, in the Office of Research Integrity and Engagement, with any questions.

HOUSING. Does Swarthmore offer housing over the summer? How does that work?

Yes, you can apply for summer housing through OSE; please see their website for dates, costs, and details. If your opportunity requires you to be in-person and you plan on exclusively living on-campus, make sure to coordinate your opportunity's start/end dates with the summer housing dates.

INTEROFFICE COORDINATION. What type of coordination happens among offices/departments?

All of the offices/departments that administer summer stipends are part of The Beyond the Classroom (BTC) advisory committee. The BTC consists of Swarthmore College staff members who manage and support these high-impact learning experiences. We work together to try to coordinate, streamline and standardize aspects related to summer opportunities whenever possible–timelines, application platforms, awarding processes, etc.

MULTIPLE STIPENDS. Can I accept more than one stipend per summer?

Students must agree to summer maximum stipend/earning rules

$6000 is the maximum in stipends a student can receive in a given summer Students cannot work in a JobX position while under the stipend, and vice versa. Per SEO's policy: "Please note that a student may not work in an hourly position and a stipend summer position concurrently. However, a student may work before and after the dates of their formal 8 or 10-week summer project or internship. This must be clearly documented in an email to the student so there is a formal agreement and understanding; as well as a record of the dates the student is employed in both positions." See next FAQ for more info on JobX.

MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS. How many opportunities can I apply for? Does applying to multiple ones affect my chances of being awarded?

You are highly encouraged to apply for as many opportunities as possible to increase your chances. We want you to have choices! However, in a given summer, the stipend limit is $6000 per student for up to ten weeks of a full-time experience. If you are offered more than one opportunity, you will need to decide which award to accept and cede all other awards.

TAXES. How do taxes work?

US Citizens/Resident Aliens/DACA Students

  • Please note that students who are United States citizens, Resident Aliens or have current DACA status will not have taxes withheld from the payment (nor will it be reported to the IRS); however, the IRS considers this payment income to the recipient. When filing your tax return, you must report the amount of this payment as income. If you file a FAFSA for financial aid, the payment must also be included as part of your gross income.​​​​​​

International Students (who are classified as non-resident aliens)

  • The regulations regarding federal tax withholding and reporting are different for international students who are classified as non-resident aliens for income tax purposes. This income will be reported to the IRS as income to the recipient. As a result, if you are not a United States citizen, you will need to contact Joseph Cataldi in the Business Office ( to learn how you will be affected. Be advised that your funds will not be released until this step has been completed


WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF THE SUMMER? I completed my summer project. Is there anything else for me to do?

Yes! Please follow the instructions from the office that administers your stipend. In most cases, you will be asked to complete an online exit survey. We take your feedback very seriously, so please take some time to share your experiences and thoughts!

JOBX. What is the difference between a "summer stipend" and "JobX" opportunities

Summer Stipends: up to $6000 per summer per student; listed on this site.

JobX: paid at the student hourly wage for varied number of hours worked; listed on JobX. Typical examples include summer roles at: ITS, Libraries, and Admissions . The Student Employment Office oversees and administers these positions.

NOTE: Students cannot work in a JobX position while under the stipend, and vice versa. Per SEO's policy: "Please note that a student may not work in an hourly position and a stipend summer position concurrently. However, a student may work before and after the dates of their formal 8 or 10-week summer project or internship. This must be clearly documented in an email to the student so there is a formal agreement and understanding; as well as a record of the dates the student is employed in both positions." See next FAQ for more info on JobX.

TRAVEL. I will be traveling (within the U.S. or abroad) as part of my summer project. Is there anything I should know?


If your project includes any travel outside of the United States, this award is contingent upon review by the International Travel Risk Management Committee (ITRMC) All College-sponsored and/or College-funded international activities must be approved to confirm eligibility for summer funding. All Swarthmore Global Travel is subject to the College’s International Travel Policy. Students may be required to send in more information and/or change their international location or activity, if their project is not in compliance with College policy. Students will be contacted individually via email if such supplemental information is needed. Any student approved for Swarthmore Global Travel will need to complete all Travel Registry requirements before their funding will be disbursed. 

Students should not purchase flights or make binding financial commitments until their proposed travel has been approved.

NEBO. What is NEBO and does it apply to me?

NEBO (non-employment based opportunity) are funded by the College that primarily benefits the student, is student-led and has no benefit to the College. To see if you qualify for a NEBO-eligible opportunity, please refer to Swarthmore's Policy on Experiential Learning Opportunities or the International Student Center (Lesley Reyes Pina).