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Travel Registry

All members of the community undertaking Swarthmore Global Travel outside of the United States are required to submit their information to the Travel Registry before departure. The specifics of the travel registration process will vary by program and by the role of the participant.

Failing to register can result in: exposure to preventable health and safety risks, barriers to assistance in case of emergency, insufficient insurance coverage, and potential denial of reimbursement for travel-related expenses.


Registration Process

  • Faculty/staff member traveling individually for Swarthmore     
Self-Register your trip:
Faculty/Staff Travel Registry
  • Study abroad student (semester or year)
  • Student who has been awarded Summer Funding
  • Participant (not leader) on a group trip
Travel Registry forms will be assigned to you.
  • Leader of group trip (ideally early in the planning process)
  • Anyone undertaking a trip exceeding 365 days
  • Traveler who does not fall into any of the categories above.
Contact for additional instruction.
  • Traveler remaining within the United States
  • Participant on leisure/personal travel not considered Swarthmore Global Travel
Do not register.