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Nominating and Governance

Committee Members

  • Jim Snipes, Chair
  • Dorothy Robinson, Vice Chair
  • John Chen
  • Lauren Glant
  • Leslie Jewett
  • Corey Mulloy
  • Ayanna Johnson***
  • BoHee Yoon***

The chair of the Board is an ex officio member of every committee.

***Past and Present Alumni Council Presidents attend Nominating portion only

Committee Charge

The Nominating and Governance Committee (NaG) develops criteria to guide selection of new Managers. These criteria address defined needs such as special expertise, diversity, and leadership potential that will best serve the needs of the College. New members begin their tenure at the annual September meeting.

NaG determines committee assignments and recommends candidates for Committee Chairs and the Board Chair. NaG also assists the Board Chair in ensuring an evaluation of Managers after two years of service and (for Term Managers) before nominations for second and third terms. When the term of the Board Chair is completed, NaG oversees a process that includes seeking the advice of all Managers about leadership skills needed and specific candidate names, ending in a formal recommendation to the Board.

NaG also has responsibility for developing policies to govern the activities of the Board, including the modification of the College's charter and the bylaws, as needed, and reviewing the number and areas of responsibility of the Board's standing committees.