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Committee Members

  • Leslie Abbey, Chair
  • Anne Schuchat, Vice Chair
  • John Chen
  • Thom Collins
  • Leslie Jewett
  • Jaky Joseph
  • Paul Kuenstner
  • Jane Lang*
  • Melissa Rose
  • Gus Schwed
  • Tom Spock

The chair of the Board is an ex officio member of every committee.

*Emeritus board member

** non-board member

Committee Charge

The Property Committee oversees and sets policies for the ongoing maintenance and new construction of campus buildings, grounds, foot and vehicle paths, outdoor sculpture, and equipment.  This Committee also monitors campus networks, including communication and computer systems, energy distribution systems, and the conservation of energy.

The Property Committee monitors the safety and security conditions of buildings and grounds, ensuring conformance to legal requirements for ingress and egress and legal requirements concerning the environment, such as pollution control and the disposal of hazardous waste.

The annual capital budget and the five-year capital budget projection are recommended to the Board by this Committee.  The Property Committee ensures that the recommended budget provides adequate personnel and financial resources for the operation, maintenance, renovation, and construction of buildings, grounds and networks.

For new projects, the Committee recommends the project budget to the Board and then oversees the planning, architect selection, contractor selection, and construction.