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Student Affairs

Committee Members

  • Lucy Lang, Chair
  • Sean Decatur, Vice Chair
  • Liz Economy
  • Lia Haskin Fernald
  • Lauren Glant
  • Ayanna Johnson
  • David Kaufman
  • Sabrina Martinez
  • Dawn Porter
  • Jim Snipes
  • Bryan Wolf

The chair of the Board is an ex officio member of every committee.

*Emeritus board member

Committee Charge

The Student Affairs Committee considers a wide range of issues related to students and student life on campus, both academic and non-academic. The Committee's formal membership includes all officially designated Board members. The Dean of Students serves as staff to the committee. Staff of the Dean of Students Division, the Director of Athletics, and other appropriate staff and faculty are invited to attend on an as needed basis. The Committee normally meets at each Board of Managers meeting; all Board members are welcome to attend.

The Committee's chief function is to serve as a communications forum at which issues that impact and/or concern students can be aired. Many of the issues that come before the Committee have already been under study by appropriate campus committees, and are often presented for the purpose of information and discussion rather than action. While the Committee may authorize further investigation of any particular issue or make recommendations for action to the Board, most of the issues it addresses do not call for Board action and are accommodated in the interaction of Board members, students, and administrators at the Committee meetings.

Topics addressed by the Committee at recent meetings include student health and wellness, student academic support and advising, building an inclusive community, student volunteerism and social activism, the residential experience, issues of concern among women students, the impact of over-enrollment on students, ethics in students' lives, career planning and placement, physical education and athletics, leave-taking at Swarthmore, and student views of the curriculum and academic life at the College.