Committee Members
- Gaurav Seth, Chair
- Edgar Lee, Vice Chair
- Sohail Bengali**
- Veronika Dubajova**
- Thomas W. T. Hartnett**
- Dave Helgerson**
- Jaky Joseph
- Corey Mulloy
- Benjamin Schall**
- Salem Shuchman
The chair of the Board is an ex officio member of every committee.
*Emeritus board member
**Non-board member
Committee Charge
The Investment Committee is responsible for the investment of all funds of the College, particularly the endowment, in conformity with investment policies reviewed and approved by the Board at least annually, and in strict accordance with the terms of any trust, will, deed or gift or other instrument under which funds have been donated or entrusted to the College.
(i) Review and recommend investment policies for the endowment. Policies should address key issues such as asset allocation objectives, acceptable risk levels, and total return objectives.
(ii) Review and approve investment guidelines relating to such areas as eligible investments, diversification and concentration restrictions, and performance objectives for specific managers' portfolios or direct investments.
(iii) Select investment consultants, investment managers, bank custodians, and other professional experts, as appropriate.
(iv) Make direct investments in cases in which selection of an investment manager is not appropriate.
(v) Monitor the adherence of the endowment investments to the overall investment policies and evaluate performance of the endowment as compared with total return objectives.
(vi)Evaluate the performance of investment managers as compared with performance objectives and other investment guidelines; make changes as appropriate.
(vii) Recommend, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, a spending guideline for endowment returns to the Board of Managers for approval.
(viii) Recommend a policy to the Board of Managers regarding the voting of proxies.
Trusts and Life Income Funds
(i) The responsibility of the Investment Committee as it relates to trusts and life income funds is similar to its responsibilities for the endowment. While the Finance Committee is responsible for trusts administration, the Investment Committee is responsible for recommending investment policies and objectives.
(ii) The Investment Committee relies on recommendations of the Development and Communications Committee in developing new investment vehicles.
Other College Funds
(i) The Investment Committee is responsible for overseeing the investment of other funds of the College such as operating cash and plant fund balances.
(i) The Finance Committee has overall responsibility for recommending financing plans and specific financing issues to the Board of Managers. The Investment Committee makes recommendations as matters relating to endowment policy arise.