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Disability Housing Accommodations

Student Disability Services and the Office of Student Engagement are happy to work with students with documented disabilities to identify appropriate accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (amended 2008), Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Act.

Housing accommodations may include living in a building that has an elevator, a tile floor environment, access to air conditioning during the College’s cooling months, etc. An accommodation is not considered reasonable if it fundamentally alters the essential requirement or nature of a program, service activity or class.  For more information about Student Disability Services and/or the accommodations process at Swarthmore, we invite you to visit the Student Section of the Student Disability Service Website.  

Please note that requests for housing considerations, based on non-disability needs (e.g. religious identity, gender identity), should be made directly to Rachel Head, Associate Dean and Director of Student Engagement. The disability accommodations process is not used to make non-disability housing requests.

Students Requesting New or Changed Housing Accommodations

Students Requesting Continuing/Ongoing Housing Accommodations

Students with questions about disability accommodations should visit the Student Disability Services website for information or email the Student Disability Services office.


Students with questions about Housing Options should visit the OSE website or contact Housing.