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Inclusive Excellence Fellows in their Own Words

A group of people presenting posters to others

A group of fellows presenting their work during our Mix and Mingle event

"As an Inclusive Excellence Fellow, my experience has been transformative and enriching."

"With bi-weekly meetings and training, I am able to learn about how to advocate for social justice issues we care about at Swarthmore through using various campus resources."

"Planning events for my project also helps me learn how to cooperate with partners and advisors, as well as turning ideas into action. It's really inspirational to see the idea growing into something that can really make an influence in my community."

"This opportunity has allowed me to delve deeper into the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and the challenges that come with achieving it in academic settings."

"One of the most fulfilling aspects of this experience was being able to contribute to a community that I am deeply connected to and care about."

"Throughout my experience as an Inclusive Excellence Fellow, I have learned many skills that will further benefit me as I explore different career opportunities and look into my future after graduation."

"The project has provided me the opportunity to practice and cement my presentation and communication skills though the general management of a project, frequent communication with faculty members, and presentations."

"Participating in the Inclusive Excellence Fellows program has been a transformative experience for me, providing valuable insights and skills that I will carry forward into future endeavors."

"Moving forward, I will apply the lessons learned from this experience by actively seeking student perspectives and involving them in decision-making processes in any future initiatives or projects. I will prioritize inclusivity and strive to create spaces where all voices are heard and valued."

"This project harnessed my dedication and creativity skills so well that I walked with this project everywhere I went, thinking how to run it successfully in a change-driven, rigorous and busy environment. It also improved my teamwork skills; I learned how to compromise my independent decisions so as to have a better understanding of where and how my project advisors and administrators wanted this projected to proceed."