Study Abroad

The History Department encourages students to pursue the study of history abroad and grants credit for such study as appropriate. We believe that history majors should master a foreign language as well as immerse themselves in a foreign culture and society. The Department of History grants credit for history courses that are pre-approved by the Department and are part of Off-Campus Study outside of the United States. Credit is contingent on successfully completing an introductory course at Swarthmore. Students must receive a grade of C or higher to receive history credit at Swarthmore.
Upon return, we expect that you have all of the necessary materials. This includes:
- Information on history courses you've taken at Swarthmore
- Copy of transcript from your study abroad experience
- Reading list AND/OR syllabus
- Examinations
- Other items: (specify when submitting) lecture notes, term paper(s), title of the major paper
You will hand them in or scan them and send them to our department administrative assistant.
The Department of History does not grant credit from another college or university in the United States except for courses taken at Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, and the University of Pennsylvania. We will only grant an exception for domestic off-campus study experiences validated by our Off-Campus Study or Registrar’s Offices and at our discretion. Such credit does not satisfy the Department’s concentration requirement.