Distribution Requirements

Please note that Group A and B Distribution requirements apply only to classes of 2024 and before.
One Course From Group A (Before 1800):
First-Year Seminars
History 1d - A History of Collecting: China and the World
History 1f - The Golden Age of Piracy
Survey Courses
History 2a - Medieval Europe
History 2b - Early Modern Europe
History 5a - Early American History (as of fall, 2019)
History 6a - The Formation of the Islamic Near East
History 7a - African American History, 1619 to 1865 (as of fall, 2019)
History 8a - West Africa in the Era of the Slave Trade, 1600-1880
History 9a - Premodern China
Ancient History
These may operate as an introductory History Course for purposes of future course placement.
* Ancient History 10 - 1st Year Seminar: Slavery in Ancient Greece and Rome
* Ancient History 11 - 1st Year Seminar: Rome: The Archeology of Empire
* Ancient History 12 - 1st Year Seminar: The World of the Pharaohs: An Introduction to Egyptology
* Ancient History 13 - 1st Year Seminar: In Search of Troy
* Ancient History 16 - 1st Year Seminar: Augustus and Rome
* Ancient History 17 - 1st Year Seminar: Pompeii: In the Shadow of Vesuvius
* Ancient History 23 - Alexander and the Hellenistic World
* Ancient History 28 - Ancient Egypt
* Ancient History 30 - History and Archeology of the Early Roman Empire
* Ancient History 31 - History of Greece
* Ancient History 32 - The Roman Republic
* Ancient History 34 - History and Archeology of Early Greece
* Ancient History 35 - History and Archeology of Republican Rome
* Ancient History 39 - Identities in the Ancient World: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity
* Ancient History 40 - The New Testament in the Greco-Roman World
* Ancient History 42 - Democracy and Its Challenges: Athens in the Fifth Century
* Ancient History 43 - Thucydides on War, Plague, and Democracy
* Ancient History 44 - The Early Roman Empire
* Ancient History 46 - The History and Archeology of the Late Roman Empire
* Ancient History 56 - Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire
* Ancient History 66 - Rome and Late Antiquity
Upper-Division Courses
These courses require a previous introductory course. Some may have additional requirements. Please refer to the course catalog to be certain.
History 15 - From Classical Rome to Renaissance Florence: The Making of Urban Europe
History 20 - Leviathan's Revenge: Reading Thomas Hobbes in 2022
History 21 - London Beyond Control (prior to 2019)
History 28 - Aux Armes! History and Historiography of the French Revolution
History 42 - The American Revolution (as of fall, 2019)
History 75 - Craft & Technology in China
History 80 - History of the Body (prior to 2019)
History 90b - Irish History
Double-Credit Honors Seminars
History 116 - European Intellectual History
History 130 - Early America in the Atlantic World
History 137 - Slavery, 1550 to 1865 (as of fall, 2019)
One Course From Group B (Non USA, Europe):
First-Year Seminars
History 1b - Human Rights as History (prior to 2019)
History 1d - A History of Collecting: China and the World
History 1e - Past & Present in Latin America: Problems & Researching Tools
History 1p - History through the Lens: Latin America, Latinos, Photography, and the Present
History 1v - History in the Making: Autocrats, Activists, and Artists in a Changing Middle East
History 1w - Promised Lands: European Settler Colonies 1830-1962
Survey Courses
History 4 - Latin American History
History 6a - The Formation of the Islamic Near East
History 6b - The Modern Middle East
History 8a - West Africa in the Era of the Slave Trade, 1600-1880
History 8b - Mfecane, Mines, and Mandela: Southern Africa from 1650 to the Present
History 8c - East Africa
History 9a - Premodern China
History 9b - Modern China
Ancient History
These may operate as an introductory History Course for purposes of future course placement.
* Ancient History 28 - Ancient Egypt (as of fall, 2020)
Upper-Division Courses
These courses require a previous introductory course. Some may have additional requirements. Please refer to the course catalog to be certain.
History 25 - Colonialism and Nationalism in the Middle East
History 26 - Histories of Capitalism in the Middle East
History 31 - France in Algeria, France and Algerians, 1830-present
History 60 - The East India Company, 1600-1857 (prior to 2019)
History 67/90o - Digging Through the National Security Archive: South American "Dirty Wars" and the United States' Involvement
History 67t - The Big Tobacco Archives: Public Health, Corporate Deception, and Cigarette Smoking in the Americas
History 73 - Perils & Phobias: The Case of Yellow
History 75 - Craft & Technology in China
History 76 - Women's Work in Premodern China
History 77 - Fashion: Theory and History
History 78 - China, Capitalism, and Their Critics
History 89 - The Environmental History of Africa
History 90c - Women in Late Imperial and Republican China
History 90d - A Global History of Chinese Labor
History 90h - Africans Explore/Africa Explored: A History of Travel by Africans and To Africa
History 90i - Technologies of the Cold War in Africa
History 90y - From the Frontier to Freedom: Topics in the Study of the South African Past
History 90z - Engendering Difference: Sex, Gender, Race, and the Making of Modern South Africa
Double-Credit Honors Seminars
History 140 - The Colonial Encounter in Africa
History 143 - Political Economy of the Middle East
History 145 - Women & Gender in Chinese History
History 149 - Reform and Revolution in Modern Latin America