Special Majors: History & Educational Studies & Teacher Certification

Requirements for the Special Major
Students designing a special major in History & Educational Studies must take six courses in history, including one course in a field other than the United States or Europe (see Distribution Requirements). To graduate with a major in History & Educational Studies, a student must also complete our culminating exercise, HIST 091 Senior Research Seminar. With permission, students can complete a two-semester, two-credit thesis—but one credit of this thesis must be HIST 091 Senior Research Seminar. Special majors in History & Educational Studies will work with both an Educational Studies faculty member and the HIST 091 instructor(s) to complete their one-credit senior research paper or two-credit thesis.
Requirements for Teacher Certification
History majors can complete the requirements for teacher certification through a program approved by the state of Pennsylvania. For further information about the relevant set of requirements, please refer to the Educational Studies section of the Catalog or go to their PA Teacher Certification website.